X. Second Year: Christmas At The Fawleys

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December 21, 1973 (Friday)



"I wish I could come with you guys," Aidan complained for the millionth time as the train came to a halt at the platform. "Why do I have to be a Muggleborn?!"

Kian gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "I mean are you guys 100% sure Hez's parents aren't going to like murder me over break?"

"My family is one of the less blood supremacist pureblood families, you'll be fine, Ki," Hezekiah reassured. "Plus wouldn't you rather spend your birthday with your friends."

Regulus was beyond happy. He didn't have to go home for Christmas because him and Kian were staying at the Fawleys instead. The Fawleys were somewhat easy to convince to let Kian stay over at their house. Regulus's parents on the other hand, were not so easy to convince. Regulus had confronted them about it at the Quidditch match last week. They were fine with it until the Kian part. He tried to persuade them with Kian being top of all their classes just behind Regulus. They had requested to speak with Kian who reluctantly and very nervously walked over to talk with them. In the end, they had reluctantly agreed.

The four boys exited their compartment and said their goodbyes to Aidan before walking over to the Fawleys. Hez's mother quickly outstretched her hand to Regulus with a small smile on her face. She looked exactly like Hez just the female version. They had the same smile and facial structure. His whole family also shared his brown eyes, curly hair, and tan skin. "You must be Regulus Black, I could recognize a Black anywhere. I'm Elizabeth Fawley and this is my husband Atlas Fawley," she introduced gesturing to her husband. Regulus shook hands with the man. They both shook hands with Kian before Elizabeth pulled her son into a tight hug. Atlas just gave his son a tense pat on the shoulder.

They apparated back to the Fawleys Manor. Kian looked sick after it, clearly never having apparated before. Hez elbowed him playfully i the ribs in a teasing gesture. The Fawley Manor was a huge brick house in the middle of nowhere. It had woods on both sides. It looked awfully cozy compared to Grimmuald Place, the Malfoy Manor, or the Lestrange Manor. When Atlas and Elizabeth opened the door, Hez was tackled into a hug by his younger sister Mirabelle. He picked her up and spun her around, a smile instantly appearing on his face.

"Well how about you show the boys to your room, Hez," Elizabeth offered.


December 25, 1973 (Tuesday)



"Happy Birthday!" Him and Reg yelled as they tackled Kian into a hug as he woke up.

Kian let out a yawn. "Wow not a 'Merry Christmas!' either?" Kian teased.

He just shrugged, "Eh, your birthday is more important. You are officially a teenager now!"

Kian nodded before burying his head in his pillow. "Uh huh, and I'll be excited about that when it is at least 8 am. Wake me up later."

Regulus threw a pillow at him, "Yeah, nice try. Get up, Cresswell."

Kian did eventually wake up and they went downstairs to open their presents. Regulus received a new sweater from Cissy and new quills from his parents. Hez couldn't help but notice his disappointment when he didn't receive a gift from his brother. The Black brothers had a confusing relationship, they were friends the one moment and enemies the next. He supposed that was how all siblings were, but in their case it was more... intense?

Kian received new books from his parents and when he got to the his birthday gift and card from him and Regulus, he broke out into a smile. They had split the price and gifted him new robes that weren't second hand ones from some graduating student. Hezekiah knew his parents hadn't been able to afford to get him brand new robes so he had suggested to Reg they buy him some. He tackled them both in a hug and the three of them started wrestling on the ground. Kian quickly rolled out of the way, but Regulus and Hezekiah continued to play fight. Regulus pinned his wrists against the carpet above his head and broke out into a triumphant smile. Hez suddenly felt the need to to get Regulus at least a foot away from him as an unknown heat flushed to his cheeks. He gently shoved Regulus off him. Okay, what the hell was that?

"Oh to be that young and innocent. I miss being 12, Hezekiah," his father announced to them, interrupting Hez out of his mild panic.

He couldn't help the wince that appeared on his face. Regulus was frowning at him with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "Thirteen," he corrected with a frown. His father gave him a confused look. "I'm thirteen, father. I turned thirteen in October."

Atlas flashed him a fake smile, "Same thing, my son."

He suddenly felt overwhelmed by the tension that had filled the room so he quickly excused himself, "I need to use the loo."

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December 27th, 1973 (Thursday)



"I have an idea," James announced as they sat on his couch.

"And that would be?" Sirius asked, suddenly intrigued.

"Well, Regulus is staying at the Fawley's right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I have an idea for a prank on them," James said, a smirk appearing on his face.

Sirius broke out in a grin, "And what would that be, Potter?"




It had been snowing all day. Hez had insisted they went outside and played in the snow so they slipped on their coats, boots, gloves, and hats and ran outside. They spent a good amount of time just throwing snow balls at each other. They would then take a break and just roll around in the snow. They would then go back to throwing snowballs. It had become a pattern.

Right now they were just laying in the snow in silence. Hezekiah was the first to break that silence, "Guys, look!"

Him and Kian looked to where their friend was pointed. Regulus almost couldn't believe his eyes. Under one of the trees was a stag and black dog. "Holy shit," Kian muttered in disbelief. Regulus gave him a surprised look at the curse, but Kian just shrugged. He didn't even know Kian Cresswell was capable of swearing.

The stag and dog kept on walking towards them. Regulus was so confused at the moment and also foolishly scared. "Okay, this is really weird," Hez stated, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

As they neared closer, Regulus got a sudden surge of bravery. He met the two animals half way. The dog licked his leg before he started barking and running laps around him. Regulus cautiously outstretched his hand to the stag. The animal nudged it's nose against his hand and a smile broke out on his face. He heard his friends let out laughs of disbelief behind him. Regulus trailed his hand down the stags neck and started to pet it. The dog seemed get jealous at the lack of attention so Hez came over and started to pet it. Kian pulled out what Regulus assumed was a muggle camera that he had apparently had in his bag and he snapped a picture of them.

Eventually the two animals ran off and the three of them just sat there in silence and disbelief on what had just happened.


Words: 1,253

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