XXVIII. Fourth Year: First Kiss

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February 5, 1976 (Friday)



"Are you excited for the second match tomorrow?" He asked Hez as they both sat on his bed.

"Yeah. We are definitely beating Hufflepuff now that Marlene is on the team. We already let Slytherin win so we have to beat Hufflepuff now."

"We better. If we don't win the cup this year I think Frank will murder us. Can't blame him though considering it's his last year," Regulus added.

"I would prefer to not be murdered by Frank. I would prefer to live a long and happy life and not die at 15."

"Really? Personally dying at 15 sounds appealing," Regulus joked darkly.

Hezekiah just gave him an unimpressed look and elbowed him in the side. Even the small touch caused butterflies in Regulus's stomach. He had just accepted the crush he had at this point. There was really no getting over it, he was doomed.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

February 6, 1976 (Saturday)

Regulus laced up his boots at the edge of his bed. "Reg, is my sweater over there? I can't find it over here," Hez asked him.

Regulus looked and surely Hezekiah's Quidditch sweater was sitting right by the bathroom door. He picked it up and tossed it to Hez who caught it. "Thanks," Hezekiah thanked him as he slipped his sweater over his head.

"Well Kian and I are going to get going now. We'll meet you guys at the pitch," Aidan said as he and Kian slipped out of the dorm.

"Can you come help me lace up my robes? You know I'm shit at it," Hez asked. Regulus nodded and he walked over to Hez. He gingerly laced up his robes. "Nervous?"

They were standing close enough together that Regulus could feel Hezekiah's breath hit his face as he talked. He felt the sudden need to back up, but he couldn't bring himself to step back. "A little. Frank is kind of counting on me to catch the snitch."

"You are faster than Hestia so I hardly think it will be a problem," Hez reassured him. "We are gonna win today."

Regulus flashed him a small little smile. "Hopefully."

They went silent after that and they just stood there looking at each other. Neither of them moved and Regulus didn't move his hands from where they were resting on the laces on Hez's chest. If he wasn't going crazy he swore that Hez briefly let his gaze fall to Regulus's lips.

Regulus didn't know what came over in that moment, but he leaned forward and connected their lips. Hezekiah just stood there frozen in place and Regulus pulled back horrified at what he had just done. Before Regulus could mutter an apology, Hez grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. It was proper kiss this time and not just a little peck on the lips. Regulus immediately kissed back as he held onto Hez's hips.

Hezekiah was the first to pull away from the kiss. They both broke out in helpless smiles. Hez glanced up at the clock above them. "We really do have to get going, but we can talk about this later."

Regulus nodded. "Alright, let's go."

"Catch the snitch for me?"

Regulus gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I was planning on it."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

Regulus did catch the snitch and the Gryffindor victory party was immediately scheduled for that night.

"Come on you two are boring. Why won't you come downstairs and party?" Aidan asked them for the millionth time. "Even Ki is downstairs and he hates parties!"

"We will be down soon now fuck off," Regulus answered. Aidan seemed to give up and he left the room. "Finally. He is gone."

Hez moved to sit down next to him on his bed. "So, the kiss."

"The kiss," Regulus repeated.

"Did it mean something?"

The question seemed dumb to him because of your it meant something, but Hez also didn't know how he felt so it was a valid question. "It did for me."

He could see the clear relief in Hez's expression. "It meant something for me too. It meant a lot actually. I like you a lot, Reg. I have for a while now."

Regulus brought a hand up to cup the side of Hez's face. "Good," he said before he pulled Hez into another kiss.

Hezekiah accepted the kiss gratefully and eagerly leaned into it. He drapped his arms around Regulus's neck. Regulus moved his hand to the back of Hez's neck to deepen the kiss and Hez kissed him harder in response.

They stayed like that for a bit before Regulus pulled away. "I've wanted to do that so bad these last couple months," he said breathlessly.

"That's why you were acting weird before wasn't it? You realized you like me at the train station, didn't you?"

Regulus leaned forward and buried his face in the croon of Hez's neck. "Yeah. When did you realize?"

"Winter break in second year when we were wrestling," Hez answered.

Regulus pulled back a little so he could look at Hez. He raised an eyebrow at him. "When I pinned your hands above your head?"

"Yeah," Hezekiah admitted sheepishly. Regulus let out a little laugh before burying his face in the croon of Hez's neck again. "Will you be my secret boyfriend?"

He let out a little laugh against his neck. "Hez, I just made out with you a minute ago. I think my answer is pretty clear."

"Just answer the question, you idiot."

Regulus pulled away once again. "Yes, I'll be your boyfriend."

Hez smiled before pulling him into a kiss. Regulus was sure he would never get sick of this. He didn't care if their relationship had to be a secret. He had long accepted that he would have to hide this aspect of his life and he was fine with it. The only thing that mattered to him at the end of the day was that he got to be with Hezekiah.


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