LXII. The War: The Spy

249 10 3

July 31, 1978 (Monday)



Lily pressed a small kiss to his cheek before standing up off his lap. "I'm going to go get the popcorn," she told him as she left the room.

Ariana gave him a look of disbelief from her spot on the sofa beside the chair he was sitting on. "I can't believe you are an auror and dating Lily Evans," she told him.

He raised an eyebrow at his little sister. "Are you mad or happy about that?"

She looked at him like he was stupid. "Um, I'm glad of course. In fact, I'm quite jealous. Your life is way cooler than mine." At that moment, Mirabelle stepped through the doorway that led to the kitchen. She was eating ice cream out of the carton, still dressed in her pajamas. "Doesn't Kian have like the coolest life ever, Mira?!"

"Oh, definitely. How did you manage to get Lily Evans to date you? And everyone in the order is super cool besides Regulus because he ate the last cookie last week," Mira agreed. "It was not very cool and I will hold that grudge."

"Trust me, your lives will get a lot more interesting. You two are only thirteen and fourteen," he told them.

"You should tell us your prank secrets," Mira suggested, sitting down on the sofa next to Ariana.

"Like hell I'm going to tell you that," he replied, shutting down the suggestion.

"Come on, please," Ariana begged giving him puppy dog eyes.

"No. Once again, you guys are barely teenagers."

"I'm almost fifteen," Mirabelle pointed out. "In third year you guys literally flooded the school."

"And Regulus almost drowned," Kian pointed out.

"Please," Ariana begged one more time. "Plus James would have just gave him CPR anyway if he did drown. It's not like they don't do it a million times a day already."

She did have a point about that, but he figured third year Regulus would have killed James if he gave him CPR. He felt himself cave in. "Fine, I'll tell you that-."

"Kian Ansel Cresswell, you are not telling them how to pull an effective prank!" Lily scolded as she entered the room with two bowls of popcorn in her hands.

The two younger girls turned to him in expectation, but he just shrugged. "You heard Lils."

Ariana let out a tired sigh and Mirabelle raised an eyebrow at Lily. "Lily, you have to tell how you control men that easily. How do you get them all to be so terrified of you?!"

Lily leaned over and whispered something in Mira's ear. The brown haired girl let out a little laugh and Kian raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend as she sat back down on his lap. "What did you tell her?"

Lily shrugged and pressed a small kiss to his lips. "It's a secret."


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