XX. Third Year: The Grand Prank Of 1975

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May 24, 1975 (Saturday)

May 24 was the day Regulus almost drowned.

To back it up and explain, he had been standing in an empty corridor with James and Remus. They had decided this was the best time to practice the prank before they attempted it on the whole school because it was a Hogsmeade weekend. The castle was pretty much empty so they had less chances of getting caught. The rest of their group was keeping watch  on both sides.

"Ready, Remus?" He asked.

Remus nodded and nudged James who was standing beside him in the side. "Here goes nothing I guess."

He casted the spell and the corridor filled up with water. They had expected the hall to fill up slowly, but it didn't. Water rose fast and it rose higher than Regulus, who had been to afraid to admit he couldn't swim, had expected.

He felt panic rush through his veins as the water rose above his head higher and higher. He continued to sink and he made the mistake of panicking. Water filled his lungs and he really thought he was going to just die like that until he felt an arm slip around his waist and carry him to the surface. They broke through the water and Regulus instantly gasped for air and started choking on the water he had swallowed. His head was only inches from the ceiling. He turned to see James Potter next to him. "Thanks," Regulus thanked breathlessly.

James, still holding onto him, nodded. "You're welcome. Why the hell didn't you tell us you couldn't swim?!"

"I didn't think it would be a problem! I hadn't expected the spell to work that rapidly!" He defended.

James let go of Regulus as Remus reversed the spell and they landed on the ground. "Well that was entertaining," Remus mused.

"We should have gone with the arson," he replied.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

May 26, 1975 (Monday)

Today was the day. After a couple more tries Remus had learned how to better control the spell and make it so it didn't get that deep so they were now all good to go.

"You ready for this?" Hezekiah asked as he walked over to Regulus's bed.

"Ready to do the prank, yes. Ready to get weeks of detention and have my parents curse me for it, no."

Aidan came over and hit him playfully on the arm. "It sucks to suck, Black."

Regulus just flipped him off and the four of them made their way down to the great hall. They sat down across from the Marauders.

"Welcome honorary Marauders," Sirius greeted dramatically. "Are you lads ready?"

"Reg is stressing about the weeks of detention aspect," Hezekiah answered.

Remus reached over and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "You get used to it."

"I don't want to get used it," Regulus replied.

"Trust me, it's not even that bad Regulus," James reassured. "It's worth it and don't worry we make it fun."

"You "making it fun" does not make me any more excited about it," he sassed.

James brought a hand to his heart in mock offense. "I will have you know that my fun is in fact very fun," James defended dramatically.

"I'm sure it's absolutely amazing," he replied in very clear sarcasm.

"Alright fuck you, Black."

Minutes later, the prank began. Water filled the great hall and the hall quickly erupted in chaos and confusion. Some students were screaming, others were celebrating, and others were swimming. Fucking swimming. In the great hall. Regulus also didn't miss now James kept on looking at him with a concerned expression trying to make sure he was okay and not drowning. In fact, he didn't really take his eye off Regulus the entire time. But I mean, that's just a normal human thing to do right? I mean Regulus had almost drowned.

The eight of them were quickly escorted into McGonagall's office. "I am very disappointed in all of you, but especially you four," McGonagall scolded, pointing at the four 3rd years boys at the end. "100 points will be removed from Gryffindor for not only breaking school rules, but endangering your classmates. Additionally, you will all be serving detention every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday for the rest of the school year. You are dismissed."

As they left her office James walked over to Regulus and ruffled his hair playfully. "See Reggie, I told you it would be fun!" James teased.

Regulus shot him a deadly glare.


I probably could have made the prank all one chapter, but you know it's fine 💀

Also Reg really went from doing an innocent Sesame Street prank to flooding the school in one year 💀

Words: 748

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