LXV. The War: Horocruxes

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September 1, 1978 (Friday)


Regulus was laying on top of James. They had been awake for about thirty minutes now just cuddling in silence. James's shirt had ridden up slightly revealing the skin right above the waistband of his sweatpants. Regulus trailed his fingers along the bare skin, drawing shapes on it. James pressed a lingering kiss to the top of his head.

"Did you ever want kids? You know before you met me," Regulus asked curiously breaking silence. It was something he had wanted to ask for a long time now.

James ran a hand mindlessly through Regulus's curls. "I always wanted a son so I could teach him all the Quidditch moves and basically turn him into a mini me. I don't know it's just always what I pictured when I was a kid."

Regulus frowned down at his boyfriend. "I'm sorry I can't give that to you."

James bit his lip nervously. Regulus had realized he had started doing it way more frequently since the Hogsmeade attack but stuff did go all haywire after that day. It had almost been over a year and they were all still recovering from it.

"Technically there is actually a way," James pointed out nervously.


"I was sort of talking to Andromeda the other day when we were over there and it sort of came up in conversation. She told me there is a way to make it happen. It's ancient and has pretty much been erased from the wizarding world but Andromeda still knows about it and how it works. It's actually quite interesting," James explained.

Regulus didn't really know how to respond to that. He hadn't even thought of the possibility of having kids with James because he never thought it was possible. He could tell James really did want to have a kid with him in the way Andromeda told him, but Regulus didn't know if he wanted to because he never had thought about having kids at all. By the time the thought was even remotely in his head, he already knew he was gay so he had never thought it was a possibility. Now that it was an actual option, it terrified him because he truly didn't know.

Instead of responding, he pulled James into a messy kiss. James kissed him back hard, his mouth hot against Regulus's. James tugged at his hair and Regulus deepened the kiss, sitting up so that he was straddling James's hips. By the time James had managed to pull Regulus's shirt over his head, a voice interrupted them at the entrance to the room.

"Both of you stop being coupley in there and come out here with everyone else. We are here to do something. We need to talk about the horocruxes," Kian told them.

James leaned forward and stifled a laugh into his bare shoulder. Regulus rolled his eyes. Him and James never seemed to be able to find a moment alone anymore.

Kian stepped into the room with his hands over his eyes. "Am I okay to remove my hand from my eyes? Sirius's story was enough to leave me paranoid for life."

"Reg is shirtless but besides that you are fine. He is also sitting on my lap," James told Kian. Kian removed his hands from his eyes.

"Also Sirius over exaggerated that story. We were just kissing. We hadn't even done anything before at that point," Regulus felt the need to point out.

"But you have now so I have every reason to be paranoid," Kian pointed out back.

"Doesn't mean we were about to do something now. We are in a tent with you all. It's sort of weird regardless of silencing spells."

"Regulus you have a hickey on your collarbone."

James had a proud smile on his face. "He bruises incredibly easily did you know that, Kian? It's kind of funny how easy it is to leave a mark."

Regulus elbowed his boyfriend in the side and James laughed. "The hickey isn't even from last night or today. Leave me alone, Cresswell."

"Whatever just hurry about and get your arses out of bed," Kian told them.

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Kian was supposed to be getting on the Hogwarts train right now, but instead he was huddled around a table with James, Regulus, Remus, and Pandora as Regulus explained everything to them.

James rested his chin lazily on Regulus's shoulder from his spot behind him. Pandora, Remus, and him were all sitting on chairs on the other side of the table.

"So how many horocruxes do you think he has made?" Remus asked Regulus.

"By the way he looks, I'm guessing around four to six. Voldemort may still look like a normal wizard but you can tell if you look closely into eyes or you can see how his skin paled. If you know what you are looking for, it's obvious it's multiple horocruxes. We already know the locket is one," Regulus answered.

"Which by the way I think we should take turns wearing since we don't know it's full effects," Kian told them as he stared down at the locket dangling from his neck.

"That would probably be for the best," James agreed. "That thing gives me the creeps."

"It has a piece of Voldemorts soul in it what did you expect, love?" Regulus asked with a smile.

"How are we going to know what the other horocruxes are?" Pandora spoke up.

"I should have another dream about one soon," Kian answered. "Once I see them all again, we will know or have an idea on what they are. Then we will just have to find and destroy them."

"So we wait?" Remus asked.

Kian nodded and then looked to Regulus who nodded as well. "And we figure out how to destroy this thing," Kian added as he held up the locket.

They were actually doing this. They were going to destroy Voldemort. The man whose followers killed Aidan.

He was going to destroy Lord Voldemort for Aidan.


So I like thought of the idea and now I actually want to write it. I was thinking about how much of Aidan's story I didn't get to tell because this story is more for Regulus. Which I'm sad about because Aidan is probably my favorite OC I've ever made. He is a very complex character that I feel like I didn't get to fully dive into with this fic. He sort of just deserves his own fic dedicated to his story.

After thinking about this, I've decided to publish a fic that follows the same storyline as this one but obviously all from Aidan's POV. It will be full with a lot of Aidan and Kian as well as Aidan's confusion and self-deprecation because of his father and sexuality. It is going to be called "The Untold."

I will probably publish it hopefully soon once I finish the outline and write a couple chapters of it. I will put it in the authors note once I publish it. But yeah, I highly recommend you do read it because it will add a lot more to this story and it really is the untold aspect of this fic hence its title. That's all I wanted to say so just be on the lookout for that soon if you are interested! This fic is almost done which is crazy. I think there is like twelveish chapters left.

Words: 1,249

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