LXXV. The War: The Battle - Part 2

218 10 15

April 6, 1979



As he dueled Voldemort, he was briefly aware of the fact that a large crowd of both aurors and death eaters had gathered around them. This was the duel that ended the war.

"Give up, your boyfriend is dying. He needs treated," Voldemort informed him like he didn't already know and like it wasn't tearing him apart right now.

Voldemort was winning. Regulus was confident he would be winning if Voldemort didn't have the bloody elder wand. He was still not going to give up. He was going to win this for James and all his friends that were dead because of Tom Riddle.

"In your dreams, Tom," Regulus replied back with a smirk, annunciating the name on purpose. "It's honestly embarrassing that you are trying to kill all these muggleborns and half-bloods because you just can't deal with fact that you are half-blood yourself. That's right, the secret is out and now all these people know too. Oops."

He found great satisfaction in the anger in Voldemort's gaze. "I should have killed you a long time ago."

Regulus shrugged. "Probably. Before you had the chance to fuck me up in the head and make me a threat to pretty much everyone."

Regulus didn't know what the fuck happened next.

The elder wand split in half and exploded on Voldemort's face. Then, Voldemort started to literally disintegrate in thin air.

What the fuck?

A lot of things happened in the next moments. Order members acted immediately, trying to gather and arrest all the death eaters. They acted quick enough that the death eaters were still in shock that their leader was dead that the order was able to arrest majority of them. There was cheers happening to, but Regulus didn't pay attention to any of that. His only thought was: James.

He rushed to his boyfriend's side. James's shirt was completely covered in blood and he was passed out. He checked James's pulse. It was faint but it was still there. He casted the spell that Evan had sacrificed himself to tell him.

The bleeding went away and he let out a chocked sob. He tried to shake James to wake him up but James didn't wake.

"Jamie, come on. We won, wake up. James?"

He felt James's pulse and his heart felt like it stopped. There was no pulse.

They did say the first stage of grief was denial. Regulus proved that true in the next few seconds.

He kept on shaking James. "Jamie, come on. This isn't funny. Wake up. Shit! Come on, James. You can't be dead, not like this. Not everything we have done to be able to be together. We just won, you can't be dead! Jamie, please. Come on, wake up. I need you. I can't do this without you."

His attempts to shake James and wake him up became weak as he started to sob. He felt someone's hand on his shoulder as he continued yelling at James.

"Reg.... he's dead. He isn't gonna wake up," Remus told him a shaky voice.

He didn't have to turn around to know Remus was crying too. He could hear other people's sobs too. He figured they belonged to his friends or James's parents.

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