XXXIII. Summer: I Guess It Wasn't True Love After All

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July 13, 1976 (Tuesday)



Kian was currently sitting on Aidan's couch. Aidan's four year old little brother, Gavin, was sitting next to him fighting with his action figures. Gavin thought Aidan being a wizard was the coolest thing ever and he kept calling Aidan a superhero because he could do magic.

Aidan and his older sister, Maeve, were sitting on the floor flipping through records bantering over what ones to play. Maeve was 18 and had just graduated school a month ago. She was going off to some fancy French college at the start of September when Aidan went back to Hogwarts.

All the Barron siblings looked practically identical with their brown curly hair, blue eyes, and tan skin. The Barrons lived on a beach house in Scotland. They were quite wealthy compared to the Cresswell's. Kian liked to spend as much as his summers as he possibly could here. He liked the escape from his shitty house. His parents didn't give two shits about him and he had quite literally practically raised his 11 year old sister Ariana.

The album playing now was some Bowie one. Kian didn't mind it. He actually liked Bowie. It was better than some of the other shit Aidan listen to. Kian was more of a classic rock person. He loved the Beatles, but Aidan liked more of the hardcore stuff.

"Aidan this one is terrible! Please let me play just one ABBA record," Maeve begged her younger brother.

"Please do not torture Kian with your ABBA shit!" Aidan protested.

"Mummy, Aidan said a bad word!" Gavin yelled to their mother in the kitchen.

"Aidan! Please not in front of your four year old brother. We have talked about this," Tammy Barron scolded from the kitchen. Aidan just rolled his eyes and sneered at Gavin who was sticking his tongue out at him.

Kian didn't get a chance to say that he actually liked ABBA because at that moment Thomas Barron walked into the room. The older man made a disgusted face. "Aidan, turn that shit off. Did you know that guys a fag."

Kian didn't miss the look of hurt and fear on Aidan's face before his friend quickly hid it. "Yeah I did, but his music is still good, dad."

"I don't care, turn it off. We will not be listening to a fag in this house, got it?" His dad stated like it clearly wasn't up for negotiation.

Aidan reached over to switch out the record. He reluctantly put on the ABBA one Maeve was holding out to him. The familiar tune of "Mamma Mia" filled the room. "Got it," Aidan replied quietly not meeting his father's eyes.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

It had been a couple hours and him and Aidan were now lying on the beach side by side. "Are you okay?" He asked curiously into the comfortable silence that had settled between them.

Aidan flashed him a small smile that Kian saw right through. "Yeah, of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

Kian frowned at him. "Come on, Aidan. Don't do that. You know what I'm talking about."

Aidan's smile disappeared. "It's fine, Ki. I'm fine. I promise."

Kian wasn't very convinced, but he decided not to push a confession out of Aidan. He always saw right through Aidan and he knew he was lying right now. "Alright, but you know you can talk to me right?"

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