XXII. Summer: Regulus Makes Some Sacred 28 Friends

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July 19, 1975 (Saturday)



Regulus watched as the fire devoured James and Sirius's faces until they were nothing but ashes falling into the blazing fire below.

Fleamont Potter had been promoted in the ministry. Rita Skeeter had photographed the Potter family for the front page of the Daily Prophet. Sirius had photobombed their photo and could be seen poking his head in on the side of the moving photograph with a big smile on his face. James was smiling and laughing too. His grin spread ear to ear and his freckles were especially noticeable in the summer sunlight.

Regulus had examined James's face too long for his liking and he had forced down the envy he felt looking at the happy family. The envy was quickly replaced with anger and that was when he decided to burn the front page.

"Regulus," sounded a voice behind him.

He jumped in surprise and he quickly attempted to hide what he had been doing a moment ago, ashamed of his petty actions as warmth flushed to his cheeks. He turned to see Orion Black. "Father," he greeted.

"We have visitors. Your mother has sent me to retrieve you."

Regulus had no absolute clue they were having visitors over or he wouldn't have stood over the fire and burned the photo like a teenage girl trying to get over her first love after he broke her heart by burning her diaries. He quickly realized that probably wasn't the best comparison to make considering it was definitely 100% not true. Regulus hadn't had his first love and he didn't want to. He just really needed to work on his similes and metaphors apparently.

He pushed himself off the ground and he walked out of his father's office. His mother met them in the hallway. She straightened out his collared shirt and sweater vest as well as fixed loose curls that fell out of place in his hair. He resisted the urge to cringe as she tugged harshly at his hair.

"In the living room there are six Sacred 28 kids that you will spend this weekend with while me and their parents handle some important business. Kreacher will watch after the seven of you," she informed him.

He nodded, "Yes, mother."

They walked out into the living room where Regulus saw his guests lined up. He only recognized a few. He followed his mother to the front of the line. "These are the Rosier twins, Pandora and Evan."

Evan was first in line and Regulus shook his hand. Evan grinned at him, "Well if it isn't the guy who broke my arm over a Quidditch snitch. Our first ever Quidditch match too. You are brutal, Black. Absolutely brutal."

"Well it's not like I was going to let you win," Regulus added with a smirk.

Regulus moved on from Evan onto the girl who must be Pandora. She really did look like her brother, but I mean they were twins so that was expected. Her light blonde hair fell in curls just past her shoulders. She held out her hand and Regulus reluctantly kissed it because he knew that was what was expected of him.

They moved down the line and his mother introduced the next person. "Elias Yaxley."

The boy had blonde hair and brown eyes. A big scar ran down the side of his face. "Please, just call me Yaxley."

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