XIX. Third Year: Sirius Has An Idea

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May 14, 1975 (Wednesday)



The last couple months had been some of the happiest Regulus had experienced.

Him and his dorm mates were now close with the marauders and they were all one big friend group. He had to admit, the marauders really weren't as bad as Regulus had initially thought. Kian and Remus got along well together, Hez loved to talk to Mary and Peter , Aidan thought Marlene was the coolest person on the entire fucking planet, and Regulus mostly just talked to Sirius and, surprisingly, Lily and sometimes James.

All of them besides the girls were hanging out in the marauders dorm now. Sirius was sitting on his bed talking to Remus and very clearly trying to get homework answers out of the scarred boy. James was sitting on the floor next to the bed tossing his golden snitch in the air and annoying Peter who was sitting on his bed next to Sirius's trying to take a nap. Aidan was laying in the middle of the floor talking to Kian, who was sitting next to him, about some muggle thing Regulus had never heard of. Hezekiah and him were sitting on James's empty bed next to Sirius's doing their homework and occasionally chatting with each other.

The individual groups all sort of ignored each other until Sirius announced something to them all, "Hello, my fellow marauders and honorary marauders," he announced dramatically. "I have an idea I would like to propose."

"We are all ears, Pads," James said with an eager grin. He chucked a pillow at Peter and the other boy seemed to give up on his nap and turn his attention to Sirius.

"I have decided it is time to pull the biggest prank Hogwarts has ever seen. It needs to be better than all of the pranks we have all ever did," Sirius announced.

A smirk appeared on Aidan's face, "I like your thinking, Black."

"It also sounds like a good idea on how to get us weeks on weeks of detention," Regulus noted.

Sirius ignored him, "So it's settled then, we are doing this."

"We didn't even vote on it!" He protested.

"No one gives a shit about voting, Reg. We are doing this whether you like it or not."

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Then what prank should we pull then since this is the best idea of the century or something."

"We should do something with fire!" James suggested excitedly. Aidan and Sirius gestured towards him in very clear agreement. The rest of them all shared an are they fucking stupid look.

"Yeah, I vote for not committing arson on the school," Remus said.

"I didn't say we had to commit arson with it!" James defended.

Regulus shot him an incredulous look before speaking, "Potter what else are you going to do with fucking fire in a prank."

"I don't know! Not commit arson with it!"

"How about we use the opposite," Hez suggested and at all their confused looks he elaborated. "Water."

Ah yes, good old water. It was truly Regulus's best friend. "You are a genius, Fawley! We can flood the schools corridors with water! All classes would get cancelled, it would be great!" James exclaimed very excitedly.

Regulus didn't particularly like the prank idea, but he refused to comment on why.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

May 17, 1975 (Saturday)

Regulus felt like he was fucking dying.

He threw up in the toilet once again and Kian gave him an awkward but reassuring pat on the shoulder. They had all been about to go research spells for the prank in the library, but Regulus's stomach apparently had other plans.

Now they all stood around him as he puked his guts out. Poor Peter looked so disgusted that he was afraid the boy would throw up himself. Regulus was naturally having the time of his life because puking in toilets in front of a bunch of people in toilets was his favorite pastime.

Regulus's stomach seemed to get its shit together for a second and he slumped against the wall. "Alright, James you are on babysitting Regulus duty. The rest of you follow me, we have a prank to research."

"Sirius, I'm not five fucking years old! I don't need a babysitter!" He protested.

"Too bad, Reggie."

They all quickly exited the room and left him and James alone. Yay his other favorite pastime, being stuck in a room with James Potter for who knows how long. "Oh, baise ma vie," Regulus said as he let out a sigh and buried his face in his hands.

James blinked at him in surprise, "You speak French?!"

Regulus gave him an incredulous look. "Non, je dis juste du charabia pour t'impressionner, Potter," he replied sarcastically. James shot him a very confused look. "Yes I speak French, Potter."

"I guess I never knew that. Can Sirius?"

Regulus nodded before his stomach decided to betray him again and he doubled over. He watched James wince, but he inevitably scooted closer to Regulus. He didn't touch him like Kian had, but he still sat there. Regulus appreciated that he didn't because he really didn't like to be touched.

"What did you say before. Like the first thing you said in French. What did it mean?" James asked curiously.

"Fuck my life," Regulus muttered. "Which is exactly how I feel right now."

"Well, thank you for this excuse to not go to the library. I hate searching for spells for pranks. It's bloody torture. At least now I can stay back."

Regulus shot him a very pissed off look. "I'm sorry do you want to be the one puking right now?!"

James held his hands up in surrender. "I'm just saying! I hate the library."

"Yeah because sitting in a library for more than five minutes physically hurts you doesn't it?" Regulus mocked.

"Yeah, it actually does. Thanks for asking, Black."

Regulus just rolled his eyes before he started puking again. They repeated that cycle over and over until the others returned. It basically went puking to bullying to back to puking. Regulus personally preferred the bullying part.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

"Are you going to be okay?" Hez asked as they all settled in for bed that night.

Regulus rolled his eyes. "I'm going to be fine! For godrics sake, I'm not bloody dying!"

Kian raised an eyebrow at him, "Really because I remember you saying, and I quote, "I'm fucking dying. This is how I die. Regulus Arcturus Black dead at 13. Cause of death: puking and dealing with fucking idiots." Remember that?"

"Oh fuck off, Cresswell. You are all terrible friends. Bullying your friend while he is sick? Sounds like terrible friends to me," he replied dramatically as he yanked his curtains shut.

He heard his three friends laugh and he flipped them off even though they couldn't see him.


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