XXIV. Fourth Year: Slytherins Are 100% Drug Addicts

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October 3, 1975 (Thursday)


Regulus quickly tied his school tie in the mirror. He had been trying to change quickly and be the first one out of the dorm, but Aidan and Kian had already left the dorm which left him alone with Hezekiah who didn't even have a bloody shirt on yet. Regulus fought the urge to stare and instead focused on getting ready himself.

Him and Hez hadn't really talked in the last month, but that was all Regulus's fault. He had been avoiding interactions with him like the plague. "Did you finish that potions essay?" Hezekiah asked cautiously and stiffly.

The awkward tension between them only grew as Regulus forced himself to look at Hezekiah. "Yeah."

"It was bloody torture. I will forever hate Slughorn. Potions would actually be a fun class if he wasn't teaching," Hez complained.

"Yeah, I suppose." Regulus said before he grabbed his bag and started to walk towards the door. "Well I'm going to go get some breakfast now. Bye."

Hez nodded with a sad expression and Regulus couldn't even blame him. He paused halfway out the door and turned to look at Hez. "And um- happy 15th birthday, Hez."

Regulus could see the relief and joy that the boy across from him was trying to hide. He had definitely thought that Regulus had forgot. "Thanks."

With that he left the room. He hated the blush that appeared on his cheeks and the small smile that he got on his face from just that small interaction with Hezekiah.

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

Regulus sat all alone at the end of the Gryffindor table. He mainly focused on his food and ignored what was happening around him, but when he did look up he saw James staring at him. Regulus shot him a glare like he always did.

"Black!" Came a voice behind him.

He turned and saw Barty walking towards him. "Oh, hi. What's up?"

Barty sat down in the empty spot next to him. "I've come over here to invite you to a party tomorrow night in the Slytherin common room. It's going to be so fun. Avery has got some new shit from his mysterious supplier or whatever that he is bringing."

"Like drugs?" Regulus asked very confused. Slytherin parties already sounded very different than Gryffindor ones.

"No, he's being supplied with sweets. Yes drugs, Regulus," Barty answered looking at him like he was stupid.

"So what Avery is just some kind of drug dealer to you snakes?"

"Yeah, pretty much. He gets them from someone in Hogsmeade and then passes them out to us all," Barty explained. "So will you go?"

Regulus shook his head in disbelief before answering. "Yeah I guess, but I'm not doing drugs. You are all crazy."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

October 4, 1975 (Friday)

Yeah that was a straight up lie. Regulus did in fact do drugs. He had no fucking clue what Avery had gave him, but he felt like he was on top of the world and his mind hadn't been this quiet in months. He was also drunk on top of the drugs.

Regulus knew he probably shouldn't have accepted everything they gave him, but he supposed it was too late for that now.

Regulus tripped over someone puking on the ground and he muttered a drunken apology as he tried to regain his balance. Oh how Sirius would absolutely lose it if he saw Regulus right now. That only made Regulus want to drink more so he reached for another drink, but Pandora just plucked it out of his hands and moved it out of his reach. "Hey! Give that back!"

"You will thank me in the morning."

Regulus rolled his eyes and she walked away with the drink. He was getting bored now so he decided to go wander the halls.

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For fucks sake.

James groaned as he saw Regulus wandering the halls. He was clearly drunk and very high. James figured he should probably get Regulus back to the common room before a prefect or Sirius especially saw him.

"Potter," Regulus slurred as he saw him and walked over. He tripped over his on feet in front of James.

He caught him and he wrapped an arm around Regulus so the younger boy could use James as a support. "Yep, let's get you back to the common room."

"You won't even believe what I just did," Regulus said with a giggle.

"Oh trust me, I know."

Regulus proceeded to mutter drunken things under his breath that James couldn't really understand so he just ignored the boy. Then Regulus started to puke.

He doubled over and James helped lower him against the wall as the boy puked. He sat down next to him. Regulus briefly stopped puking and he rested his head against the wall. He let out another drunken giggle. "My parents are gonna kill me."

"Why cause you are drunk and high?"

Regulus shook his head and let out another giggle, but James could see the tears forming in his eyes now. " 'S not that." James suddenly really hoped Regulus wasn't the type of person who just spilled their guts and exposed all their secrets while drunk, but that was proved to be true moments later. "I like guys. Isn't that funny? They are going to kill me if they find out."

James felt his stomach drop to the floor. Fuck. He shouldn't know this right now. Regulus would have never told him or anyone this if he was sober and he felt terrible. Shit what he supposed to do now?

"If they knew that I liked him. If they knew I li-," Regulus continued, but James shut him up by covering his mouth with his hand.

"You should really shut up before you say more you will regret in the morning. Come on let's get you back to the common room," he said as he hauled Regulus back up off the floor. He really didn't need to know who Regulus liked.

With great effort he managed to get Regulus back to his dorm. He knocked on the door and a brief moment letter Hezekiah opened the door with a confused and concerned look on his face as he stared at them. "What the fuck happened to him?!"

"Reggie over here has been having some fun with the Slytherins," James answered and at Hez's confused look he explained. "He is very drunk and high right now. He was at the Slytherin party. I stumbled across him in the corridor and brought him back here."

Hezekiah nodded and he helped Regulus on to his bed. "Also I would avoid talking to him. He apparently likes to blurt out things he would never tell sober while drunk," James suggested.

Hezekiah nodded again. "Alright, thanks."


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