XXVI. Fourth Year: The Fall Of The Black Brothers

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December 25, 1975 (Thursday)



Regulus hated when his parents dressed them up for these parties. He liked to dress nice, but they had tied his tie so tight that it was strangling him. Sirius kept pulling at his which kept on getting him small slaps on the shoulder from their mother.

The four of them entered the Malfoy Manor. Narcissa and Lucius were waiting for them at the door. Narcissa immediately pulled Regulus into a hug, "Oh, Reggie! I haven't seen you in so long. Look how big and handsome you have gotten since I saw you last! Any girlfriend I should know about yet?"

No, but he wished he had a boyfriend. He quickly scolded himself because he couldn't be thinking about that here. "I'm afraid not yet, Cissy."

Narcissa moved on to greet the rest of them and Lucius walked over to him. "Regulus," he greeted as he outstretched his hand to Regulus.

Regulus forced a smile on his face and he shook the blonde mans hand. "Lucius."

Their parents left with Narcissa and Lucius and Regulus spotted his friends. He started to walk over to them and Sirius followed.

They hung out with them a bit and they eventually went into a separate room. Amycus and Pandora started playing a game of wizards chess on the ground. Sirius and him sat down on one of the couches in the room. Evan and Zahara were talking to each other by the door. Meanwhile Yaxley and Alecto were making out on the couch in front of him and Sirius. Alecto was straddling Yaxleys hips and her lipstick was smeared. Regulus felt very uncomfortable.

Sirius leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Zabini keeps on looking between you and Evan like she isn't sure who she wants to take in the closet with her. Carrow and Yaxley are practically shagging over there and don't even get me started on Lucius. I don't understand what Narcissa sees in him. He looks like a fucking ferret."

Regulus fought the urge to laugh. "Sirius, please shut up."

"What! It's all true."

"I know."

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

The party was now over and the only people who still remained was Regulus, Sirius, their parents, Bellatrix, the Lestrange brothers, his aunt and uncle, Lucius, and Malfoy.

Everything had been going so much better than any family event ever did with the Blacks. Well, that was until Walburga spoke. "It's really a shame things had to end the way they did for Alphard, Regulus."

He felt Sirius go tense next to him. Regulus didn't remain emotionless and he realized too late by her piercing gaze on him why she had even brought that up. She had been trying to see if Sirius had told him. He felt his stomach drop to the floor.

"But of course you knew that already didn't you, Regulus?" Walburga pointedly. Without warning she grabbed Sirius by the collar of his shirt and dragged him in front of the table. Regulus just sat there frozen in place at the table. "Answer the question, Regulus!" She snapped.

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