XXVII. Fourth Year: Comforting Under The Stars

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January 4, 1976 (Saturday)



Regulus found some random compartment and he sat in it by himself. No one bothered him the whole train ride.

He skipped dinner because he couldn't bring himself to face Sirius right now and he also really didn't want the whole school gossiping about him right now. He couldn't handle it.

Instead he went outside and laid down by the lake staring up at the stars. He heard shuffling next to him and he turned to see Hezekiah sit down next to him. "Hey, I've been trying to find you all day."

"Well looks like you found me," Regulus answered weakly. "I also didn't really want to be found so that's probably why it took you all day."

Hezekiahs frown only grew. "Reg I'm so fucking sorry. I- I wanted to come see you after I heard what happened at the Christmas party, but my parents and your parents wouldn't let me. Are you okay?"

Regulus shook his head and he could feel the tears coming now. "Of course I'm not fucking okay. My brother just left me again and now he's- he's fucking disowned. He's not even my brother anymore! I trusted him again and he left me, but I can't even blame him either. I did snitch on him after all. And now- I'm the fucking heir to my family and it's all happened so fast and I just- I don't know what to do."

He just lost it all at once. He started to sob and Hez pulled him into a hug. Regulus wrapped his arms around Hez and buried his face in the croon of his neck. "I'm so sorry, Reg. You deserve so much better than this all. I- how can I make this all better? How can I make you feel better?"

"This is good. Just please hold me," he rasped. Everything hurt, but this, this was good. He just wanted to stay like this with Hez forever and never let go.

Hez did hold him for awhile. Regulus didn't know how much time passed while he just sat there in Hez's arms. He wasn't even crying anymore, but Hezekiah still held him. He kept running his hand through Regulus's curls and up and down his back. It was so nice. This is exactly what Regulus needed right now.

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼



James felt his heart break as he watched the two boys on the grass. Of course the boy Regulus liked was Hezekiah. Regulus hated James and he always would.

James spun on his heel and he ran back to the Gryffindor common room. When he entered Marlene was sitting on the couch all by herself. She stood up when she saw James. "It happened, Marls. He did it."

He didn't even need to elaborate for her to understand what she meant. She pulled him into her arms and he cried because it really did hurt. Maybe it was stupid that he was crying right now over a broken heart after all the shit Regulus and Sirius had gone through. It was probably an asshole move, but he couldn't help it. "I'm sorry, James. Did he say anything or do anything?"

James shook his head. "No, I just- I saw him with someone else and it's pretty clear he likes them. Sorry I know it's stupid and I probably shouldn't be crying right now. It's not like I'm the one who just lost my brother."

"Stop that, James," she scolded.

"Stop what?"

"Invalidating your pain. Isn't that exactly what Effie told you not to do. Just because you haven't gone through as much as someone doesn't mean you don't get to be sad too. You just got your heart broken, James. It's okay to cry and no one is going to judge you for it. Especially not me," Marlene explained.

"You're right, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I just hate when you do that, James. You have done it since we are kids."

James supposed that was true. He did it all the time and deep down he knew he always would. It would always feel wrong for him to be crying in times like this when he had just gone through something as stupid as a heartbreak.


In Hezekiah Fawley we trust 🫡

No I seriously love Hez though and I think he is my favorite OC I have ever written tbh. As I was writing his personality and all I think he just became like a weird mix of Sejanus Plinth, myself, Nick Nelson, and Will Solace 💀

Tbh I also just do really like the OCs I have wrote for this fic. Kian and Aidan have my whole heart. I also love Ezra (who does become a bigger character later on).

Also poor James 😔✊🏻 He really likes Regulus and Regulus likes Hez.

Words: 806

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