LVI. Sixth Year: The Truth Is Revealed

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March 28, 1978 (Tuesday)



Regulus was walking side by side with James. They were on their way to Rita Skeeters house to make their statement about their relationship at the price of her telling them who tipped her off to begin with.

It was funny because they were going to talk about their relationship that felt like it was crumbling at the moment. Regulus had been ignoring James and shutting him out even though he had promised not to. There was a tension between them like they were in some silent argument. Regulus didn't know what to say to make it better. He always ran when it came to things like this, but he was trying so hard not to run this time. James didn't deserve that.

Fleamont was trailing a couple feet behind them. Aurors were also surrounding Rita's house as a safety precaution. "Here we are," Fleamont announced as they reached a small yellow house. "I'll wait out here."

With that, James knocked on the door in front of them. Rita Skeeter opened the door just seconds later. She looked surprised, but thrilled when she saw them. "Well if it isn't Regulus and James. This is a wonderful surprise. Come in, come in."

Regulus shared a nervous look with James before they both stepped into Rita's house. She gestured towards one of the sofas and they sat down. Rita sat down in the chair across from them. "So what brings you two here today?" She asked them.

"We are willing to make a statement about the article you published about us," Regulus stated.

"Wonderful! Go on."

"Not so fast. You don't get to just publish our statement for free."

"Should've known. You are a Black after all," Rita stated.

"Hardly." The floating pen and quill wrote down his words. Shit. He really had to watch what he said.

"We will tell you what you want as long as you tell us who tipped you off," James stated.

Rita clicked her tongue. "I'm afraid I can't do that, Mr. Potter."

"Then we should probably get going," Regulus stated.

He started to stand up, but Rita held out a hand. "Wait! I'll tell you."

Regulus sat back down with a pleased smile. "We are waiting."

"It was Barty Crouch Jr.," she confessed. "He came to me over Christmas break, but he told me to wait to publish the article because it would be more popular when the Hogsmeade attack wasn't fresh in everyone's head."

Regulus felt his stomach drop to the floor. "What?"

"Reg, I'm so sorry," James told him.

He felt the betrayal consume him whole. Barty had outed him to everyone. Barty who was like his brother. Barty who knew how his parents were. Barty who knew what would happen if they found out about him and James. Barty who is abused himself by his father.

Barty had went to Rita knowing exactly what he was doing and what it would cost Regulus.

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