ᴇᴘɪʟᴏɢᴜᴇ ᴘᴛ. 1

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A year later

―⋆ ⭒⭒⭒ ⋆―

I walk down the stairs with great difficulty, balancing on the railing while being in complete darkness. I don't think I make five full steps before a sound echoes from behind me.

"What are you doing?" I suddenly hear, closing my eyes for a moment as I flinch. The light gets switched on and Jungkook is by my side in a second, giving me a look that wants an explanation.

"I want water," I say and continue to struggle down the staircase, making him follow closely with a hand secured on my back.

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I knew you'd wake up the second I left the room, so," I stop and place a hand under my belly while keeping the other on the railing. This is tiring me out to the point where I just want to sleep and not wake up for a week. 

With a blank expression, I look up at Jungkook. It's around five in the morning, so his hair is disheveled, but he looks so cuddly that I just want him to hold me. In fact, I believe that it's exactly the thing that I'll make him do.

"I don't have the energy to go back up there," I say, my tone a little whiny.

"I'll take you." He shrugs.

"No, I want to go to the couch." 

Jungkook wraps his arms around me then and picks me up to take me downstairs to the living room. I'm slowly lowered so that my back gently hits the couch before he brings me water and sits down next to me. I gulp down the whole glass before he asks me to lean on him and I happily do. Comfortably, I sit in between his legs and rest my back on his chest, while he places his hands under my belly to support the weight.

"Promise to let me sleep a little more after this baby is out." I groan, feeling my body aching already. It's still a few days before I'm due, but I'm looking forward to it more and more. The first reason is that I'll finally meet my son and the second is that I'll be able to relax my body and not struggle with easy, everyday things. My lower back is constantly feeling dull and I'm more than ready to let go of that feeling.

Jungkook hums into my ear and we stay in silence for a while until I begin to feel the discomfort in my lower stomach. It begins to turn into cramps, so I try to sit up, thinking that it'll go away after a moment, yet it doesn't. The pain increases and I scrunch my face up, immediately alarming Jungkook.

"What?" He asks, sliding down to kneel before me and I grip on a pillow tightly.

"It hurts." I breathe out. 

"Cramps?" His brows raise and I just nod my head, aware of his hand rubbing my back in comfort. He looks concerned and a little bit clueless, but thankfully stays calm and collected.

A sudden wave of an excruciating pain shoots through me. That's when I begin to think that maybe I'll be delivering this baby today. The contractions go on for about half an hour more and I continue to experience the pain that twists in my stomach every now and then, each pain lasting for a few minutes.

"I think we should go to the hospital," I say, having a little difficulty breathing. Jungkook immediately rises to his feet and helps me stand up and my eyes follow his movements as he goes to take our jackets and car keys.

"Grab the bag too," I say weakly and he does so before helping me to the car that's parked outside. Luckily, there's much less traffic than usual, so I know we won't have any trouble getting to the hospital soon.

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