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For your eyes only, I'll show you my heart

―⋆ ⭒⭒⭒ ⋆―

Jimin had to leave just before my shift ended, reminded me once more that I shouldn't do anything stupid, and bought me a coffee as a bonus for me to listen. I learned that Jungkook would be picking me up, which I'm suddenly becoming nervous about. It's an odd feeling, knowing that I tried to do something he wasn't aware of, and now I'm holding a little fear in my chest. Sometimes I feel like he knows it all and I'm just a little see-through sheet that he gets all the information from without me even having to speak. But that's just my paranoia speaking.

Silence consumes the afternoon blur as I'm looking out the window and he's behind the wheel. Nothing changed from the talk with Jimin, but somehow I feel lighter having his worded reassurance at the back of my mind. We're on our way home and as much as I'm not looking forward to it, my plans come true when I realize that Jungkook takes the wrong estate. I perk up, looking over to him with my brows drawn together. "What"

"Shut up." He snaps rudely, voice rough and demanding, and he begins speeding up when a fair amount of gun shots invades my senses. My heart speeds up at the thought that we've got some unwanted company.

Without as much as a second thought, Jungkook grabs his gun and makes my eyes do a double take at his next words. "Take the wheel."

In my fearful and overwhelming mind I don't even know what I scream back as I grip on it, while Jungkook leans out of the open window to shoot at the cars behind us. I'm making some hard efforttrying to balance the car from the passengers' seat and avoiding a few puddle holes in the ground before he finally retreats back into his seat, driving forward. For the next few minutes, we're under some heavy pressure of trying to escape, and Jungkook stays completely focused on the road as he drifts all the rounded corners.

Meanwhile, I'm stressfully gripping onto my seat, hoping that everything will be over soon, and to my relief, the men stop following us, having yet another failed mission.

"What was that again?" I manage to ask, not getting a decent reply as Jungkook ignores my question. "Why do they keep on coming after us?"

"You're an easy target. That's why." He snaps and I don't speak a word after that, consumed in my racing thoughts.

An endless amount of trees rises above as we follow the gravel road, heading deeper into the forest. The car begins to make a tapping sound, and there's no other solution but stopping.

"Get out," Jungkook says, slamming the door behind him and I quickly follow his steps, trying not to stumble over the rough ground. "Come." My cold hand gets grabbed, the warmth radiating onto it immediately and my eyes shift to his oblivious expression that's more focused on getting us out of here.

My lips slightly tug upwards at the affectionate, but unexpected action, and a weird feeling blooms in my chest. Neither of us speak a word as the chirping sound of birds falls upon us, but my racing heart doesn't allow me to be sure that we're out of danger yet. Taking careful steps, I keep my eyes on the ground and tuck the pieces of my hair away from my face, feeling bothered by the fact that I don't have a hair tie on me.

Too consumed in that thought, I fail to notice that Jungkook had stopped, which causes me to bump into his back. "Where are we?" I ask, and as usual, Jungkook doesn't give me a reply. He puts his phone up to his ear instead, waiting patiently.

"Yeah. Jin? Get me a tire. I'll send you the location." I hear him say as he's slowly walking back and forth, leaving me to stand by and look around. From here, I can no longer see where the car is, and since Jungkook is constantly staying alert with our surroundings, the reason behind is probably that he made us depart from the car to prevent anyone getting to us faster.

"Are you cold?" He looks at me then, getting an answer with a simple nod. He walks closer and I think that maybe he's going to give me his coat, which I was already going to refuse, but instead, he does something unexpected. He opens his coat, motioning for me to come into his embrace.

"...really?" I ask, glancing up at his eyes and he nods, looking away. I slowly, hesitantly close the gap between our bodies, letting my arms to wrap around his torso. My heart speeds up just a little, but I can always blame it on still being uneasy about what happened with the people chasing us moments ago.

Jungkook wraps his coat around me, keeping his arms on my back. The warmth that immediately gets to me feels especially nice, and I close my eyes to let myself enjoy it. The contact seems foreign, because the only two people that I've been hugged by in the last few years were my father and Evelyn. 

Jungkook's heart beats steadily with mine as he holds me, and when I glance up at him, I see him drag his tongue over his inner cheek as he keeps his eyes somewhere else behind me. 

Spending time without talking seems like torture, but I don't try to get anything out of him, because I know it'll be no use. I know I should've been used to it already, but it's just not in my nature to not say a word when someone else is with me.

He always fell quiet when I asked questions he didn't want to answer, avoided my gaze or simply changed the subject. There's something about him that makes me want to understand why does he act like he does, the coldness in his attitude unfamiliar to me in my life before him. But with each day that passes, I'm beginning to notice that I'm thinking of him way more than I should've. In ways that I shouldn't let myself allow to think.

We don't pull apart until his phone rings again, indicating that Jin is looking for us, so with a repeated motion of his hand holding mine, we get back to the car, seeing that Jin is parked right next to it.

"I changed the tire." Jin motions towards it with a nudge of his head while cleaning his hands with a rag.

"Thanks." Jungkook nods.

"What happened?"

"They were chasing us," He says. "Got away."

I stand a little behind Jungkook, listening to their conversation and getting pretty alarmed when they mention stricter safety of their house. There'll be even more people guarding it, and I'm not sure I'll feel safer either way.

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