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Come on, be a man about it, you won't die
I ain't got no more tears to cry

―⋆ ⭒⭒⭒ ⋆―

I keep my eyes forward, stopping the car across the road from the restaurant that Celeste walks in. I follow her with my eyes as she sits down at a table close to the big windows.

Both me and Jimin watch expectantly as a glass of wine is delivered to her.

"You sure you heard it right?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I say as I tap my fingers on the wheel. "We wouldn't be here if I wasn't."

Suddenly, a man comes up behind her, squeezing her shoulders and she smiles up at him, standing to greet him with a kiss on the cheek.

He sits across from her and I get a glimpse of his face, but it's unfamiliar.

"Drive." Jimin's sudden order makes me caught off guard and I look at him with furrowed brows.. His expression is untypical to me — clenched jaw and tense muscles, fists balled up and kept on his lap.

"We haven't even seen—" I try to protest but he silences me instantly, not sparing a glance my way.

"We've seen enough. Now drive." He says sternly and a cold shiver rolls down my spine at the tone he's using. I don't dare to go against that, and take a one last glance at Celeste before driving off.

I keep on glancing at Jimin. His eyebrows are drawn together and he's not talkative like usual. I dare to address him again. "Jimin? Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He nods distantly without meeting my eyes.

"Tell me," I say.

"Just... not now." He shakes his head. "I need to see if anyone else knows. I need to talk to Jin about it. All I can say that that guy is a piece of crap and we should stay as far from him as possible."


Walking down the stairs, Celeste keeps her eyes forward, soon catching a glimpse of me. I waited in the living room for her to get back.

A smirk eludes on her lips as she nears me and I already know what's about to come as I take notice of her presence.

"Still awake?"

"Waiting for your son," I say sweetly, crossing my arms as she sends me a look of surprise. "I have some news to tell him."

Her brow twitches in curiosity and I leave her uneasy in her wandering thoughts. "What are you implying?"

"You're not as sly as you think."

"You're going to tell him something about me?" She laughs. "Aren't you funny. There's nothing you could say that I couldn't turn to my advantage."

I ignore her malicious comment. "What do you think, Celeste? Who is he going to trust better?"

She smirks, glancing away. "I think I'm more important that some girl he found around the corner. The answer is obvious."

"And that's why he doesn't call you mother?" I ask, my gaze set elsewhere.

"Listen," The woman speaks threateningly, keeping her voice hushed. "Don't act smart with me or you're going to be sorry."

"Are you threatening me?" I smirk as an amused smile begins to stretch on my lips.

"I'm just saying." Celeste raises her brow. "Don't make a wrong step." With that, she begins walking away.

"I know about your secret affair."

Those words stop her from dissappearance between the hallways, and momentarily, she stands still before walking back to me.

"You don't want Jungkook to find out, do you?" I continue with the knowing I pressed on the nerve.

"Find out what?" A deep voice says before she can even answer and Jungkook walks into the living room, the usual smell of his cologne deceiving his identity. He wears a black turtleneck, black jeans and a leather jacket that highlights his broad shoulders.

"So, Celeste?" I smirk with a raised brow, cross-armed as Jungkook stops beside me. "Do I say or will you?"

Her demeanor changes in a lightning speed. "Oh darling...you know," She begins, averting her eyes to his own. "Me and your wife are talking about tonight's party." She lies, her forced smile nervous and uneasy. Jungkook wordlessly nods and lets her continue. "Some of the preparations went wrong, I don't want to burden you since the things are already being fixed. Isn't that so, Raina?" She smiles sweetly at my direction and I force a sly grin before humming.

"Surely." The lipped smile on my face is very much forced, and it takes a lot of work to tame my furious thoughts. Without another word, I walk away and ignore her smug expression that shoots daggers at my back. An audible pat of footsteps tails me all the way up the stairs and I don't fail to recognize the significant fragrance that lurks in the air.

"What did you two talk about?" Jungkook asks, stepping in front of me. Once again, we find ourselves in his room. The nostalgic atmosphere doesn't take it well upon me as I gaze at him with a blank look.

"She told you."

"I'm not that stupid Raina. Tell me." He demands, grabbing my chin between his fingers and forcing me to look up at him.

"I don't have anything to say." I reply stubbornly, gaze not moving from his dark eyes and suddenly, he smiles cynically.

"Really?" He asks lowly, bemused. "Then why were you talking so much earlier? You wanted to say something, didn't you?"

"Not really." My head shakes slightly as I act oblivious.

"Still didn't learn your lesson, doc?" He tilts his head to the side. "But don't worry, I'll find out anyway."

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