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And who gave you the right to hurt my baby, she needs me

―⋆ ⭒⭒⭒ ⋆―

"This has been going on for too long, don't you think?" Don looks up from his office desk. Even though he never shows it, it's slowly getting on his nerves that Jungkook is still keeping Raina around.

"The job needs to get done. I didn't see it start," Jungkook says, glaring down at the man.  "If he gets the money, we'll negotiate from then on."

"And if he doesn't?"

"We'll grant him a visit in jail."

Don raises his eyebrows momentarily before clasping his hands together. "He's leaving tomorrow morning."

Jungkook nods, turning to leave, but Don's voice makes him stop at his tracks.

"Tell me one thing. Do you love her?"

Jungkook stays silent, squinting his eyes while his tongue pokes his inner cheek. Hands placed on his hips, he looks down at the man with a serious glance, disbelief latching his dark eyes. "What's it to you?"

"So you do." The man nods, understanding.

"I never said that." Jungkook replies solemnly, keeping his expression straight, demeanor cold as always.

"You can't become weak, Jungkook."

"I'm not weak." He snaps, getting irritated while his fingers itch to cause damage as he wiggles them. "Don't get into my business, you get that? We're here to get the job done and not for small talks, aren't we?"

His last words are acknowledged to the older man, who watches him furiously storm out of the office.


"Come here."

I look up from my phone, seeing Jungkook go toward his closet. I hear a few beeps that indicate he's got a safe hidden in there. I stand up, moving closer.

"You wanted to know why." He brings out a small box, revealing the ring and my eyes linger on it for a moment. I watch him grab the cubed diamond and twist it like the cap of a bottle, then turn it upside down.

"This is a chip code," He says, showing me the small, thin card that's under the diamond. "All the data's in here. From our business. He could've ended me and Don."

I nod my head as he puts it back in place again. "We had it specifically done like this so nobody would find it. Celeste wore it one day without anyone knowing. Got drunk in a bar, met Chris and never shut her mouth."

This is the most he's ever revealed and this is probably the reason why he holds such a strong grudge against her. She messed it up and put them in this position. I finally understand.

My dad stole it when she wasn't aware.

"Why are you telling me all of this?"

"So you won't make the same mistake." He raises a brow, takes my hand and slips the ring on my finger.

I look down at it as I nibble on my lip. "How did you manage to take it so quickly that day?"

I see him get ready for a shower as he looks down to empty his pockets. "Just be grateful that I got to you first. Otherwise, you'd be dead right now."


His unruly hair looks like he'd at least tried to make an effort for it to look somehow decent and I can't help but stare for a little too long. His cheekbones are sharp and smooth and my eyes involuntary trail over his plush lips and back up to his eyes.

He isn't looking at me, which I'm grateful for, however that body of his makes my lids drop to a slight squint as I carve them over his abdomen.

I've seen him shirtless most of the days and never really put that much mind to it, but it seems like now, I can't get enough. I can't stop admiring his well-built body and his thick, muscly thighs.

It's overwhelming.

Ever since the kiss on the hall yesterday, my brain tricked me into thinking about him all the time. Our conversation from earlier made me feel like it brought us closer, because he willingly told me something from his life that made me understand his actions now.

Looking away, I unnoticeably begin fiddling with the hem of my sleeve, sighing softly as I hear his footfalls getting closer. I gulp down a knot in my throat before looking up at him, seeing his glance before he leans down to grab the shirt that lays on the couch beside me.

My heart speeds up a little as I watch him, imagining our lips together once more, but he straightens up and throws the shirt over his head. He briskly runs a hand through his hair, messing it up again before grabbing his phone.

"Go to sleep."

I raise a brow in disbelief. "I'll go when I want to."

A slight pause makes me nervous, and I curse myself for my big mouth because I know that whatever he does is always so unpredictable.

"Don't test me, Raina." Jungkook rasps out menacingly, shooting daggers with his eyes.

"Don't try to control me then. I'll go when I want. Deal with it." I hiss back at him, the muscle in his jaw tightening as he inches closer.

My chin gets grabbed and I'm forced to look at the dark pair of eyes glaring at me.
"Drop the attitude."

Harshly letting go, he makes his way over to the bed and I roll my eyes, leaving the room and surprisingly, he doesn't follow me right away and doesn't ask where I'm going either.

At least I know I'm gaining some trust too.

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