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Please don't leave this house, I don't like darkness

―⋆ ⭒⭒⭒ ⋆―

The sun rises after me.

I feel the heavy, sore muscles in my body, knowing that no amount of sleep will cure them. Even though I couldn't sleep for too long, keeping myself busy with stargazing, I realize now that the couch will soon become the death of me.

I let my hand to trail over the material of my blanket, but it feels strange, not resembling the softness of it. With my brows scrunched, I lift my head and hold my breath as my whole body goes stiff. I'm in the bed. 

Jungkook must've moved me, and the thought alone makes me want to crumble up into a ball. I know that I heard him leaving the room at some point and then returning. I was sure that he knew I woke up, but none of us spoke a word as he caught up with the lack of sleep, but surely I was not even thinking straight, making things up in my head along the way as I was sleeping. I can't exactly remember him bringing me from the couch.

I move my head on the pillow, observing his calm features as he lay, unmoving. He doesn't look like someone who takes lives. He's just a normal man who was sucked into this world of horror. I'm sure it wasn't his choice. It was someone's plan and ability to have an heir, and the given option was to take an innocent man to create a monster out of him.

I'm taken aback as Jungkook suddenly looks up, not even surprised that I'm staring. I don't look away because I'm too afraid to move, but relief washes me over when he closes his eyes yet again. I gulp down the knot that forms over and over, not too sure about my next move. I don't plan on getting back to the couch—at least not until I get some proper sleep.

The covers on the bed are pushed to the side, only keeping my feet warm, while my body gets slight shivers from the early morning air that's slipping through the crack of the open window. I imagine that's the reason I woke up in the first place.

Not knowing how to pull the covers closer, the agitated feeling comes back around. The white material is pushed up against his side, crumpled up, and I'm too uncomfortable to move it away. Too busy trying to figure this out, I don't realize that Jungkook looks up again. Without a word, he moves the covers as if telling me to take them, and despite my uneasyness, I slowly comply before turning my back on him and trying to be as far as possible not to touch him in any way. He makes no other moves while staying still on top of the covers, while I'm scared to get too close, but I drift off before I can overthink it.


I follow Jungkook down the stairs when it's time for breakfast, immediately getting looks from the family. Elise is sending glares my way like daggers and I avoid her eyes, instead retracting my gaze to the man seated at the far end of the table.

"Good morning," Don says in his deep voice, nodding over to us as we take a seat. Jungkook doesn't say anything, but I let out a greeting merely from the fright I feel. Don's gaze is cold on me, but I notice the slightest smile that quickly eases my mind.

There's another male, a brunet with broad shoulders joined by a woman who seems to be in her twenties—her midnight hair straightened over her shoulders. I've seen her before, while the man remains unknown.

"You finally decided to join us." Elise remarks, lowering her brows at both me and Jungkook, and I choose not to speak before I say something that could cost me my life.

"Let them be," Celeste says as she sips on her coffee, and from the brief remark she seems like the most understanding one among all.

The table is almost empty, seeming like a few people are missing, yet no one seems to mind. I avert my eyes to the food in front of me, hesitating to eat before Jungkook does, so I wait until he begins first.

A short silence consumes the table and I take a glance around, seeing Elise's eyes on me. I try hard to prevent myself from sending her a glare, but suddenly, there comes a messy-haired Jimin, and I'm grateful that he gains everyone's full attention once he carelessly strolls to the table.

"You're late to breakfast, Jimin," Elise says, glaring at the half asleep man.

Does she really put her nose in everything that walks and breathes?

"Late?" He questions, popping a piece of fruit in his mouth as he stands behind one of the chairs. "No, auntie. I come whenever I want." He watches her as he sips on his juice, earning an eyebrow raise that leaves him to grin evilly.

"Jin, let's go." Jungkook motions with his head, standing up, and I immediately tense on the thought that he's leaving me here.

Sit back down.

No. No. No.

The older man complies, finishing his food and excusing himself before they walk out. I take a breath, about to excuse myself to leave from the tension as well when Jimin takes a seat on Jungkook's place.

"How you doin', sweet cheeks?" he directs the question to me.

"Good." I hesitantly reply, avoiding his eyes, and he's about to say something else when the girl interrupts.

"So, Raina," she begins, and I look over at her as she sits opposite me. "You didn't tell us how you and Jungkook met?" I look over at her, a hint of disbelief in my gaze and I try hard not to snap at her. I'm sure they all know exactly how I got here.

I drop my utensils, gently, before speaking. "You know, as every couple meets." There's a cynical smile on my face. "We bumped into each other one day, grabbed a drink. He liked me so much, he wanted to marry me immediately. It was love at first sight."

Jimin's mouth lifts at my response and he brushes his nose, hiding it. The girl tilts her head to the side, glancing at him.

"Is that so?" She leans her elbows on the table. "Then how come you sleep on the couch?"

"Zoelle," Don speaks in a warning tone and she immediately stops talking. "We should be nice to Raina, don't you think?"

Zoelle stays silent, taking another look in my direction before she stands up and leaves, nestling a weird feeling in my chest that I know would take a while to get rid of.

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