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I put a spell on you, because you're mine

―⋆ ⭒⭒⭒ ⋆―

We've been sitting on Jimin's balcony for about an hour now, drinking away and talking about all the things we surely won't remember in the morning. From where we are, there's a nice view of the front yard where where everyone else is hanging around and when the clock strikes midnight, the celebrations continue with the cake cutting. After that, lots of guests slowly depart, while some are still dancing, but neither of us put that much mind to it. Instead, our eyes are fixed on the sky, staring at the big white circle right above.

"It's a dandelion."

"Is it?" I giggle.

"No, it's moon." Jimin chuckles to himself, averting his drooping eyes to my figure leaning onto him. We both laugh for a little while, feeling the effects from the two bottles we previously emptied, and I'm not entirely sure how I don't feel sick.

"You look hot." Jimn blurts out right before I look at him. "I want to kiss you."

The fact that Jungkook is right outside doesn't prevent the way we lean into each other, and as much as I'd like to say that he doesn't cross my mind at all, I don't try to fool myself.  "Isn't it fun that we can just kiss each other and not complicate it?" I whisper.

"That's my favourite thing about you, sweet cheeks."

Jimin doesn't wait up and simply leans closer to mesh our lips together. With no strings attached, only the need of affection swirling in the thick air of the room, his hands sneak around my waist, pinning me closer to him to deepen the kiss.

"Jimin?" I breathe out softly, tilting my head up to look at his features.


"You're great."

"At what?"

"At being you." I slur out, smiling lazily.

"I'm pretty great, yeah." He nods along, leaving me to break out into a grin and our lips press together again, turning into a make out session. I mindlessly let it happen, while my mind is completely blank.

The faint sound of the door slamming shut fades into the background, followed by determined footsteps that near Jimin's room and reveal the black-haired male upon being swung open. Jungkook strides in, taking in the scene, but despite seeing Jungkook at the doorway, neither of us breaks away.

In a moment, I'm harshly pulled away from Jimin and dragged up to stand right beside him. My legs feel wobbly, and the sudden feel of my perched mouth makes me feel like I'm in a desert. "No, wait," I sigh desperately, not being in the right state of mind. "Let me finish kissing him." I whine, looking back at Jimin who's nearly passed out on the floor, but Jungkook doesn't listen, however, grips onto my wrist firmly while being completely blinded by the fact that it might hurt me. A classic.

Dragging my drunken-self out on the hallway, he doesn't waste another second on getting me back to his room. A string of jealousy flies through his veins upon witnessing me with another man but he doesn't let it show, supporting my body as I cling onto him.


"What the fuck do you think you're doing with him?" He snaps at me, shaking my shoulders. "I've been looking for you."

"At least he's giving me some attention." I snap, jabbing a finger at his chest. "Unlike you." I slightly lean into him for support that my legs fail to give. "And stop yelling at me."

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