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You picked a dance with the devil and you lucked out

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I'm shocked and confused. I can't even form a word at first, looking at him in disbelief and surprise.

"Marry you? Are you kidding me?" I breathe out, shaking my head. "I'm not doing that. I can't."

"Then the answer is simple." He brings out his gun, pointing it to my head and my breath hitches as I watch his emotionless eyes. He doesn't care. I'm just one of his victims.

"Last chance." He says, switching the safety. His finger is prepped on the trigger, testing my nerves and making me gulp. I don't want to die.

Freezing momentarily, empty tears pool my eyes and I close them for a second, causing the hot beads to roll down my cheeks. My hand comes in contact with my forehead — rubbing it gently.

"Fine, dammit." I mutter, looking up and being ultimately on the edge with my mental state.I keep my hands on my hips, turning away from him for a short moment.

Jungkook tucks his gun back under the band of his black jeans, towering me over with his bulky body. He's just so freaking big.

I look like a frail little thing compared to him. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't ever outforce him.

"You're going to listen to me from now on. You understand, doc?"

I stand silent, but a small part of me suddenly chokes away all my courage.

"Why are you doing this?" I whisper weakly, my head shaking.

"I asked you something, Raina." Jungkook grips my shoulder, leveling himself down to look me straight in the eyes, the ash black gleaming into my own eyes and I don't avoid the contact.

He knows my name. He knows what I do. Everything.

"Yes." I say quietly, swallowing the lump in my throat with my lips trembling.

"Good." He comments wryly, letting go of me and before I know it, he's already flying out the door and locking it behind.

The first thing I do as I'm left alone, is crash down on the armchair and cry out every emotion pent up inside of me. It breaks through the air, the never-ending sobs electrifying all around.

What I deserved that with, I wouldn't know.

When I finally look back at my surroundings, I'm partly calmed down. There's a king-sized bed in the middle of the room, covered in dark grey sheets that match with the floor.

A black rectangular carpet follows the line to another door that I predict is the bathroom and there's a small green table in the corner, accompanied with a black leather couch.

It smells of cologne.

I try to calm myself down completely, processing the events that happened. In a matter of an hour I was nearly murdered, I was kidnapped, threatened with a gun and forced to marry someone I don't even know. And now I'm locked in a house without even knowing the reason.

This is some kind of fuckery, these people are insane. And I need to get out of here as soon as possible.

My eyes scan the big window with a balcony that currently aims as my only option. I'll need to risk it because I'm at least fourteen feet up, and logically thinking I'd kill myself if I jumped.

I look around the area. I'm at the back of the house and there's a big hill just a few feet away which can help me get out of here faster.

I need a rope. Or maybe, just maybe, the curtains will do just fine.

I eye them for a minute, contemplating on my stupid idea that could save my life.

I'm thinking, fifty percent chance of survival?

The other half is me getting caught which, with my carelessness, is a highly acceptable option. But I keep my mind away from that as I rip down the curtains and tie the two pieces together.

The silk see-through material seems like it's going to deceive me but I still tie it around the railing, looking down on the ground with worry.

It works in the movies so why wouldn't it in real life. I think, giving myself some false hope and nodding affirmatively before tossing the other end down.

It doesn't touch the ground, which means I'll have to jump at least six feet and in the worst case scenario — end up with a twisted ankle.

Not so bad in comparison to possibly having to get married to that psycho.

And I actually thought he was pretty decent this morning.

It's a little too late to take back my words and I shake my head, breathing out a few times to prepare myself for the possible jump into my death.

But I keep my hopes high, shakily climbing onto the other side of the railing.

Okay. This is going good.

Wrapping my leg around the thin material, I grip it tightly, trying not to look down. I've never done that before and honestly, it's quite exciting among all the other things such as; scary, risky and wiggly.

"Oh God..." I mutter to myself, gripping the curtain for dear life as I try to think of a plan of how to actually escape later.

If I'll be able to run, that is.

Looking up, I see the knot around the railing slipping ever so slightly, and I urge myself to hurry up so I don't end up looking like a crazy lunatic if any of the neighbours are watching.

Do they have neighbours at all? I don't think I've seen any, which makes it a little worse. I can't go to anyone's door and hide.

The end of the curtain swings at my feet and I feel the pressure in my arms that begin to feel like they're about to give out- holding up my weight. I close my eyes shut and hope for the best as I let go of it, feeling nothing under my feet as I swing towards the ground.

At first, I wait for the hard surface which would leave me regret this whole little plan but instead, I land right into someone's arms.

Fear washes me over as I whip my head, eyes doubling in size as I realize I'm in fact not as good at planning as I thought I was.

The charcoal-colored eyes stare right back at me with a teasing, almost mocking glint and the corner of his lips curl up into a smirk- making me feel more frightened than anything else.

This is the end of me. Definitely.

Jungkook glances behind him to a few of his guards and I'm frozen, heart erupting but that same dark chuckle escapes his lips as he looks back at me with such a strong gaze that I know I fucked up real bad this time.

"You already thought, huh?"

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