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Only fools fall for you, only fools

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"Shit." I look at my bare hands, noticing there's something missing on my finger. For a few moments, I keep still, as if that's going to help with bringing it back. Slowly, I step out of the shower, panicking slightly. I can't remember when was the last time I had my ring on.

I store the thought away, walking back to my room and putting on a pair of sweats and a black t-shirt. My jewelry box stores it all, except for the one thing I'm looking for. I continue with my hopes high.

My bed gets thrashed around, clothes landing on the floor before I sit down for a moment, shaking my leg. My chest tightens a little more and I know my worrisome state isn't the most welcoming sight. I slap a hand over my forehead, racking my mind to remember whether I've taken it off. I had it on, hours ago. I know I did.

My eyes avert down to my lap as I sit on the edge of the bed. Gently, I press my fingers over the area where the purple mark litters my thigh underneath the material.

Maybe it fell off as I collided with that stranger?

No. I groan internally.

A harsh exhale leaves my lips, guilt flicking though me. I hate that I can't remember. Why wasn't I paying more attention to it?

I let out a sigh of frustration, throwing the towel off my head and my damp hair falls over my shoulders.I should've been more careful.

I can't help but put my sneakers on again, not caring that my hair is still wet. I secure it with a hair clip and walk outside again. It takes me an hour to repeat the same route from this morning and I look especially closely at the place where I fell down. Nothing.

The restless feeling is back, but I'm trying to talk myself into accepting it.

By the time I'm back at the house, my hair is all frizzy and dry. I take care of it first, trying to take my mind off of everything, even if just for a few minutes.

First, I need to figure out what to say to my dad.

He'll be mad, furious at that. But if I don't tell him right now, I won't ever feel better. Without another thought, I grab the phone out of my bag that I left in the kitchen and press call.

"Hi. Caught me at work." He chuckles through the line, making me purse my lips.

"Should I call you later?"

"No, no, it's okay. What's going on?"

"I need to tell you something." I say.

"You sound worried. What is it?"

"I lost the ring." There's a pause from his end, making me purse my lips to brace myself for the reaction.


"I'm sorry, I don't know how it happened. I've been looking for it all over."

"Raina, I told you so many times." I hear a sigh. He's strangely calm, despite all the times he's told me I should take care of that ring with everything I've got.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"But you're okay, right?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I begin looking for something to satisfy my hunger, searching through the cupboards in eagerness.

"Just checking up on you." He says, the tone of his voice bringing questions to my mind.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "You sound nervous."

"I'm okay. I've got a lot on my plate at work."

"Oh. Me too." I say. "Actually, I just took a week off."

"That's a good decision. You need to get some rest from it all." He knows how hard working at the hospital is, even from the days we still lived together and I would come home every day, tired like no other. To the extent, I didn't even have the energy to shower and eat right as I got back. I would immediately fall asleep and then shower at three in the morning.

"I need to go now. I'm sure you'll find the ring."

"I hope so." I say. "Give me a call when you're not too busy."

"Will do. Bye, honey." The line cuts off and I put the phone down next to my bag. He's acting weird. I wonder what's going on at work for him to react so reasonably.

I sigh and wait for the water to boil on the stove. After a few minutes, I'm already so out of it. The tiredness is draining me out, but he second I want to turn around, I'm more awake than ever.

A hand clasps around my mouth and my eyes widen at the thought that I'm not alone in the house. I can't even register it properly at first, feeling the cold metal press against my side. My breathing gets stuck and my body stiffens, the pulsating of my heart all over the place as my hands start trembling in fear.

A dark voice hisses out into my ear.

"Where's the ring?"


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