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Chapter 1

The building where Yu Xue’s house is located is going to collapse!

There was a dark green outside the window, and the densely packed huge leaves covered the sky and swayed wildly. A rough and sinister voice that did not look like a living person came from the leaves, saying: "Overweight! Overweight!"

Everyone in the room was shocked. Going crazy.

Outside is a mutated plant with luxuriant branches and leaves that grow several stories high, wrapping the entire building. The thick vines are shaking the building crazily!

Just now it came from other floors in the community and shook those floors down like this!

"It says it's overweight. Quick, throw everything out of the room!" a boy yelled.

This person is Yu Xue’s classmate, Xue Junlang.

To be precise, the seven or eight uninvited young men and women in the room were all Yu Xue's college alumni. Most of them were classmates, and Yu Xue didn't know them at all.

It's been half a month since the apocalypse, and Yu Xue has been hiding quietly in her house, occasionally carefully going out to forage for food and practice killing zombies.

The days were spent on tenterhooks, but also peaceful.

As a result, these people suddenly broke in two days ago, and as soon as they entered the door, they regarded this place as their home.

He eats and drinks as much as he wants, sleeps on any bed, lies on the sofa as he pleases, and wears whatever clothes Yu Xue wants.

Yu Xue, the homeowner, would be stared at coldly or said angrily if she even spoke to them: "Hey, people who can buy a house with full payment are different. They look down on us poor classmates! Use some of your things." What's wrong? We are robbing the rich and giving to the poor!"

They were numerous and armed, but Yu Xue only had herself and a Samoyed she raised. For the safety of one person and one dog, she could only endure .

At this time, as Xue Junlang shouted, they began to throw things outside.

The pillows on the sofa, the dishes on the coffee table, the books on the bookshelf, the quilts on the bed, the bedside tables, the pots and pans in the kitchen, the laundry detergent on the balcony, etc.

Throw whatever you get.

Even tables, chairs, chandeliers, door panels, ceramic tiles, electrical appliances, and beds were smashed and thrown out of the windows.

He looked like he was ransacking his house.

Yu Xue hugged Duoduo and hid in the corner, watching these people go crazy.

What they were doing were the residents upstairs and downstairs, all frantically throwing things out in an attempt to reduce the weight of the building.

However, this weird mutated plant outside the window kept saying: "Overweight, overweight, overweight!"

But there was nothing left to throw away in the room.

People are desperate!

Suddenly the mutated plant's voice changed: "He's still overweight, he's still overweight!"

Everyone's expressions changed.

One person is overweight, so does one need to be thrown out?

Xue Junlang suddenly turned his head and looked at Yu Xue and the dog: "Them! Throw them out! They are superfluous anyway!"

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