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☆ 52. Chapter 48font record

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Chapter 48

From the young man's perspective, the reason why City H is so special must be because their Angel Branch has done research there and cast a wide net with so many mutant plants.

Therefore, whether it was the vine that could protect humans or the mutated sheep, they should all belong to their angels.

Now that the vine has been killed by a fool, this mutated sheep must be brought back and given to one of their outstanding members as a companion spirit beast.

"When the existence of our organization was exposed, it also started in H City. As a result, our branches in various places had to stop all activities and shrink. The accompanying experiments were forced to be suspended. The losses are simply incalculable. Now there is a sheep to make up for it, which is better than nothing. ." The young man said.

If the companion experiment had not been suspended, I don’t know how many members had obtained their own companion spirit beasts and companion spirit plants. They, the angels, would have been able to seize the opportunity and take advantage of the situation the moment the apocalypse came.

Instead of being like this now, it's the end of the world and we still have to keep a low profile. Many core members of the Qin family even have to change their names. Those people with the Qin name who are already well-known to the people could have used their prestige and status to respond to everyone, but now they are To hide and hide.

Every time the young man thinks about this, he feels aggrieved.

Their Qin family's century-old plan has come to an end, and it's simply hateful that they have suffered such a huge setback!

"Li Fu!" he shouted.

"Master Jun." An ordinary-looking man came over and said respectfully.

"Find a way to get this sheep over to me!" Chen Jun ordered, "This is your chance to make up for your mistakes. If you messed up...you know, you should have died to apologize before."

Li Chi's face straightened. , bowed his head and said: "Understood."

Seeing Chen Jun leave with his chin raised, like a domineering peacock, Li Chi's eyes darkened.

He is just the grandson of the Qin family, but he always considers himself the master.

But thinking about the end of the world, because when he went to H City to silence Xu Feng, he used the companion spirit plant the Man-Eating Flower, and the video was filmed and posted online, which led to the exposure of Angel, and another one on his face. obscure.

In the past, as an important member of the Angels, people like Chen Jun had to be polite when meeting him. But after that incident, he became a sinner. Although he was spared in the end, he was transferred out of the core and assigned to Chen Jun. around.

Chen Jun always reprimanded him with words like "you are a sinner" and "you really deserve to die", as if he was blocking his path to success and his attitude was extremely bad.

Li Wei clenched his fists, endured this sigh, picked up the surveillance screen of the sheep, and studied it carefully. This time, he must not miss it.

Yu Xue was not in a hurry to return to the base.

Except for the planting area, there are almost no green plants in the base. Even the soil is covered with special materials. Everything is bare, so the sun is exposed to the sun all day long, making it hot and dry.

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