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☆ 4. Chapter 4font record

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Chapter 4

You have a fever...

You have a fever... You

have a fever...


These sounds kept echoing in Yu Xue's mind, and she looked at the dog in front of her in shock.

This Samoyed is about 58 centimeters tall at the shoulders and weighs 27.6 kilograms just now in the hospital. The doctor said that it has lost weight recently. Based on its frame, its normal weight should be more than 30 kilograms.

It is a very majestic adult medium-sized dog.

At this time, the hair on its body was shaved off, and the bald areas were painted with lotion. The tail was still fluffy, and it was washed very white, shiny, and fluffy.

There is a circle of gauze wrapped around the head, and gauze is also wrapped around the left forelimb. He half sticks out and half pulls the pink tongue towards Yu Xue, with his trademark smile raised.

Even though the gauze on his head looks a little silly, it can't make this angel smile pale.

However, such a naive looking dog actually spoke human words!

"You, you, you, you can talk!" Yu Xue was frightened.

The dog tilted his head, looking innocent and silly, but his words had a sense of maturity: "If the master can speak, of course I can too." This

is a voice between a toddler and a child. , soft and soft, with the unique clarity of a cub, it makes people’s hearts melt.

But this was still unbelievable. Yu Xue held its cheek and asked: "What on earth is going on?"

Duoduo sighed and explained to its stupid new owner (Yu Xue:?) who was full of curiosity. stand up.

It was originally the guardian spirit of an old house. The old owner passed away not long ago, and the young owner wanted to demolish the house and rebuild it.

Of course the guardian spirit is unwilling, but it is vulnerable to human disassembly machines.

The house collapsed, and the scarred guardian spirit possessed the Samoyed in order not to dissipate.

Oh, this silly dog ​​is also the pet of its old owner.

After the little master demolished the house, he didn't like the dog. He kicked it so hard that its legs were broken and its eyes were almost blinded, and then he drove it out.

The guardian spirit happened to be hidden in Gouzi's body and left.

Later, he met Yu Xue and was rescued by Yu Xue.

If the dog dies, the guardian spirit will also dissipate!

Duoduo, or the guardian spirit in the dog's body, said to Yu Xue: "You saved me. You are the new owner of this silly dog ​​and also my new owner."

Yu Xue was stunned: "So... then... ...The one who accompanied me for more than two months in my previous life, was it you or Duoduo?"

The dog in front of him said calmly: "Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's the stupid dog. After the end of the world, it's more me."

So. After the apocalypse, Gouzi suddenly became very smart and cooperative, and would stick to Yu Xue's legs like a guard dog to warn her of crises. Was it because it was the guardian spirit who controlled Gouzi's body at that time?

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