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☆ 25. Chapter 22font record

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Chapter 22:

On the second day of the end of the world, Yu Xue was active around Fu'an Community.

Knee-high weeds, tall trees, and branches and leaves that almost blocked the sky and sun made traveling very difficult.

It’s hard to imagine that such a big change could happen overnight.

However, for Duoduo, this is simply a buffet feast.

However, Yu Xue didn't bring Laifu out. It was her first time and she needed to get a feel for the situation first.

There were many dangers lurking in the dense vegetation. Before Yu Xue had gone far, he encountered weeds stumbling over, flying insects attacking his face, large wriggling bugs trying to crawl into his pants, invisible giant lizards suddenly attacking, etc. trouble.

She also encountered a big tree with long branches, with several corpses hanging on the tree, and one person who was not dead yet, so she easily rescued that person.

Under the dense vegetation, she can use the vines at will. In such an environment, anyone facing each other may not be able to see each other, and no one will see that the vines are sent by her.

Something seemed to fly over her head. She looked up and saw that it seemed to be a drone.

This is quite common. It is inconvenient for people to go out now, so it is normal to send drones out to explore the situation.

She had no idea that it was a drone that was broadcasting live, and it captured the scene of her using vines to save someone.

Now Yu Xue just wants to get more crystal nuclei.

Who would have expected that after the apocalypse, she would have to go out every day to fill her stomach after having prepared so much food. Even those who only stocked up on food for a day or two at home were better than her.

Now she is just a poor kid who will starve to death if she doesn't work hard and has no meal left.

However, after walking two streets, Yu Xue discovered a very serious problem - if you go too far, you risk getting lost.

When she went out in her previous life, the vegetation was not so lush. It must have been cleared away by humans and mutated animals. Moreover, mutated plants will rob each other of nutrients, and powerful plants will continue to squeeze the living space of the same kind.

Therefore, although the environment became more dangerous at that time, it was not that we could not even see the road clearly.

In order to prevent herself from getting lost, Yu Xue opened the map software on her mobile phone, but found that the network was not very good, and the circles on the software kept spinning, making it impossible to use.

So she could only circle around the community, using some high-rise buildings as coordinates to find her way.

"Come on, hurry up! After crossing this road, we will arrive at Fu'an Community!"

A voice came through the thick bushes. Yu Xue didn't pay much attention to the words Fu'an Community when she heard it. She probably went to the community. of relatives.

But then a trembling female voice sounded: "Is Fu'an Community really that powerful? Is it too hasty for us to do this?"

"You have seen the live broadcast, and where can we go if we don't go there? Outside our house It's covered with those kind of creeping vines. If we continue to live here, our door will become a meat in their mouths!" "

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