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☆ 42. Chapter 38font record

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Chapter 38

Weilin refused Yu Xue's request. Even if he knew that Yu Xue was very capable, it was absolutely not allowed to leave a person alone during the transfer.

But Yu Xue insisted.

So her driver returned to his bus not long after taking office, leaving Yu Xue's car to be driven by herself.

However, Yu Xue still gave him some food according to the day's workload. She considered it as extra. The logistics department would also give Lao Li some food as a reward for his work.

Watching the convoy go away, the birds were still surrounding Yu Xue, and seemed to want to push her in the direction where the cry came from.

Yu Xue didn't care. She took Laifu and followed the birds in that direction.

There are green plants all over the mountains and plains, and the traces of human civilization seem to be completely obliterated. Yu Xue's journey is not easy.

Fortunately, there were vines exploring the way ahead. She knew where the rocks were, where there were holes, and where there were nests of poisonous insects under the green plants in front. She could avoid them relatively easily. If she couldn't avoid them, Just throw a vine over and chop it down.

Suddenly, she stopped, not only because she heard the anxious "bleeping" sounds, but also because a message came back from the vines.

Yu Xue wanted to turn around and leave, but the birds wouldn't let her leave. She was a little helpless, and then she soon saw an extremely large gray-black hair ball.

It's really huge. The information sent back by the vines is that it is super invincible and huge, as high as five or six stories high.

But Yu Xue remembered that in that document, the size of this wooly sheep was a little larger than a car. It had only been less than a month. Is it reasonable for this thing to have grown so much?

Moreover, the photo in the file was obviously gray and white, but now it has turned into gray and black, so dirty.

Yu Xue looked at the big hair ball that was struggling to walk over with vigilance, trying to estimate the real size of the body under this layer of hair.

Where is its head? The height of the fourth or fifth floor?

Where are the eyes? The height of the third floor?

Where is the mouth? Is it also very big?

But she looked for a long time and couldn't find it.

And Laifu beside her was stunned. What is this? A dirty cloud?

"Baa! Baa ah ah!" The big guy shouted as he came over. He was so excited that he seemed to jump twice. Unfortunately, he was too big to jump up at all.

Yu Xue took two steps back and said, "Stop it, don't come here again."

This hairball should be able to understand her words, and he stopped as expected, bleating more than ten meters away, as if he was very anxious. .

Yu Xue looked up at it: "Are you really looking for me? What do you want to do? Why did you let these birds stop me from leaving?" "

Baa! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaae

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