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☆ 55. Chapter 51font record

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Chapter 51

"Sisi, the shelter in District 17 is recruiting people. Let's go there quickly."

Somewhere in the base, a little girl of thirteen or fourteen years old said to another little girl.

Qian Sisi lowered her head to sort out the rags she had picked up today, carefully folded the old paper and rags that could be sold inside, and pursed her chapped lips: "There are only five hundred people, how can it be my turn? It's too far away or not. Went."

The little girl who spoke first also looked disappointed: "Yes, there are only 500 children over there, and the people in the 16th and 15th districts nearby will definitely grab all the places. When we get there, there will definitely be no one left."

Their side is District 13.

The residential areas in the base are arranged in such a way that the smaller the number, the more central the area. For example, the first area is in the center. The first area is surrounded by areas two, three, four, and five, and the outer circle is Districts six to ten, and districts ten and above, are on the outermost edge.

Districts 13 and 17 are at opposite ends of the base. To go from District 13 to District 17, you need to cross the entire base.

If they walk on two legs, they won't be able to get there in a day, and if they take a car, the fare is simply not something they can afford.

Not to mention, the base does not encourage people from different areas to run around. Children with no identity or background like them will definitely be stopped and questioned when passing through regional gates, and they may be given away directly. return.

And even if they get to District 17, if they don't want them there, they will have to start over in a completely unfamiliar place. But here in District 13, they still have a place to stay.

The little girl looked at the dilapidated alley where they lived. She looked up and saw that the balcony and windows above were covered with clothes, quilts, vegetables and other things, floating in the wind. The little girl was very envious.

It would be great if she could have a house where she could sleep peacefully at night, instead of sleeping in tattered tents and huts on the ground in alleys, afraid to fall asleep at night.

Qian Sisi saw that her friend was in a daze again and found a hole in her clothes, so she said, "Your clothes are torn, please sew them up." "

Ah! No, no! Why is it torn again? I only have this dress." "It's gone!" the girl yelled, and found that there was a real hole in the back of her waist. She quickly went to work on her needlework. If the hole was not sewn up in time, it would soon become bigger, and then the dress would become even tighter. It fell apart quickly, and then she had nothing to wear.

Qian Sisi took the needle and thread to help her sew. The girl sat honestly, holding her face in her hands and thinking: "I heard that the person who opened the shelter is from H City. He is so awesome. Will she come too?" Are we opening a shelter here? I heard that the shelter is a newly built house. I can sleep in the stairwell, corridor, or toilet. It's better than this alley."

Qian Sisi was a little distracted, she's from H City. .

Her father was in H City before the end of the world. If he was still alive, he should have come with the people from H City, but she went to the consultation office and asked, and her father's name was not included in the newly entered list of H City.

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