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☆ 14. Chapter 14【Revision】font record

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Chapter 14 [Repair]

Yu Xue still doesn’t know that a special tenant has moved in opposite her rental house.

On the night of May 5th, she went to the supermarket and bought a bunch of towels, as well as some fruits, vegetables and meat that she wanted to eat recently. When she got home, she found a pile of garbage at the door opposite, but she didn't care.

There are many rental houses in Building 5, and it is normal for new tenants to move in.

In the next few days, she occasionally went out to replenish supplies, but she always went to the supermarket at the entrance of the community, and the quantity was not very large. She could only carry two bags back, and

she started shopping online.

For example, you need to continue to buy rice and other grains, milk and other beverages, farming-related equipment, and supplements for other items.

Also, buy off-season clothes.

The clothes she bought at the wholesale market were basically for summer, but she definitely had to prepare thick clothes for autumn and winter.

It’s cheaper to buy off-season clothes now, and many stores are doing clearance. She can get discounts if she buys ten or eight pieces at a time.

Buy some from this store, buy some from that store, and it adds up to a lot.

When the express delivery starts arriving one after another, she only needs to pick up the express delivery while walking her dog every day.

She usually takes express delivery directly to 404, and she also starts to slowly move the things in the rental house to 404.

After a week of this, the official finally gave an explanation for the chili pepper murder incident, saying that the deceased accidentally ingested a rare poisonous chili pepper. The poisonous chili pepper has been completely destroyed, and the general public can rest assured.

People talked about it for a while. As the vegetable market reopened and other new things came out, they gradually forgot about it and life returned to normal.

As for the oleander murders, the announcement was even more perfunctory, saying that the two victims were accidentally cut by the oleander. There was no case of the oleander actively injuring people, and the witnesses were mistaken.

Yu Xue read the two announcements and had only one thought: That's it? That's it?

These two shocking things ended like this?

But thinking about it carefully, what explanation does she expect from the authorities?

Tell the public directly that many plants have mutated. Is the end of the world coming?

Regardless of whether the authorities found anything, even if they did, it probably wouldn't be made public and cause panic.

She was a little regretful, but felt that such a result was natural, so she let the matter go.

But she was originally hesitant to reveal the impending end of the world, but now, this thought has faded away.

So what if I say it? Maybe not only will it not attract attention, but you will also be involved in it.

That night, she had a dream. She dreamed that her whole body was covered with vines, and then her whole body was tightly wrapped in vines, wrapped in the middle, like a huge insect cocoon.

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