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☆ 16. Chapter 16(1)font record

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Chapter 16 (1)

Next door 503.

Matchmaker aunt Zhang Chunlan feels very uncomfortable today.

She made a big mistake in the morning and took herself to the public security bureau. When she came back, she was laughed at by others, especially the little girl from 502, who treated her with neither eyes nor nose, which made her extremely aggrieved.

She didn't want to admit that it was her fault, so she told people that Yu Xue had misbehaved, and that Xu Feng from 501 must be someone she had provoked before.

Otherwise, why would Xu Feng pester him instead of pestering others for no reason?

"You are so young and you don't have any work. You hide at home every day to eat and drink. You order so many takeaways and buy so many express delivery. I don't know who is keeping you!"

Zhang Chunlan told people when she was walking in the community. .

"That sounds quite rich?"

"No, I don't know if the money can be used cleanly." Zhang Chunlan said mysteriously, "Don't you know, didn't everyone use it to stock up on food a few days ago? Normal people just buy more vegetables, meat, milk and the like. How about her? She drives a small three-wheeler and pulls goods one by one. How can she do that if she doesn’t have money?"

People talked about it with gusto, and there were a few others in the crowd. The arrogant young man seems to be very interested in the topic of whether Yu Xue has money or not, and whether she is single.

Zhang Chunlan saw it and felt a thump in her heart.

Those people are all small gangsters who bought a house in this community with the help of their parents. They usually do not have a regular job and are idle. I heard that their hands and feet are not clean.

When Zhang Chunlan returned home, she felt a little uneasy. She repeatedly recalled the looks in those people's eyes, thinking that they wouldn't be eyeing 502, right?

She was a little worried, a little excited, and a little looking forward to it, but she couldn't tell what her state of mind was.

She was pretending to be something, and the cooking at night was too salty, which made her son and daughter-in-law complain.

She didn't pay attention, and kept her ears open at night to listen to the noise. At seven o'clock, there was the sound of smashing things and the fierce barking of dogs from 502. She was excited for a while, but fell silent again after a while.

Has this been broken into?

After a while, she would lie down on the peephole and peek, but there was no movement from 502 diagonally opposite.

It wasn't until after eleven o'clock that she saw two black shadows in front of the 502 door through the peephole!

"!" Zhang Chunlan almost shouted, covering her chest with excitement.

For a moment, she really thought about calling the police, but when she thought of Yu Xue's cold eyes and cursed her grandson for having a fever, she gritted her teeth and thought, this is all your fault!

"What are you doing lying there?" His wife suddenly said something behind him. Zhang Chunlan was startled, and quickly pulled his wife back to the house after getting up at night: "You didn't do anything. You won't sleep in the middle of the night. Go to bed quickly."

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