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☆ 44. Chapter 40font record

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Chapter 40:

The dozen or so people who were rescued were all so thin that there was only a handful of bones left.

These days, they only dare to hide in very closed places, such as basements and small warehouses, and then carefully go out to get some food when the sun is strongest during the day.

He didn't dare to go far or make any big noise for fear of attracting zombies.

In addition to zombies, they also have to avoid those all-pervasive bugs, plants and animals that have become very dangerous, and they live in fear.

In this process, it is unknown how many people died due to lack of water and food. It is also unknown how many people left their habitat and never came back. Their families and companions could not even know what those people experienced outside. What, is he still alive, or has he become the food of some terrible plant, or has he become a member of the army of the walking dead.

Days like this are depressing, dark, and despairing, and every minute and every second is suffering.

So when they saw Yu Xue and the others and learned that they were here to save them, these people dropped their guard and were very excited. They kept asking about the situation outside, whether the security base on the radio was really that good and so on. The problem.

Yu Xue and the others gave them the food they carried. Ma Yingying also released some water for these people who were extremely short of drinking water to drink. After their excitement was over, he took them into the car and followed their instructions to the next place. Go to the place where the survivors are hidden.

The more people on the bus, the greater the attraction to zombies. Moreover, manpower must be allocated to protect these extremely weak people, so there are fewer people who can deal with zombies.

Therefore, the road to rescuing people was not very smooth. In order to ensure the safety of everyone, the group planned to go back tonight after rescuing thirteen people.

The thirteen survivors plus the original nine people in the team would definitely not be able to fit in three cars, so they found two more cars that looked good and asked Xiao Zhao to repair and inspect them before driving Get in these two cars and go back to the military base in five cars.

The military base did not expect them to move so quickly. They had just received the mission and rescued thirteen people that night. They were very happy.

Even the somewhat foul-faced captain of the first volunteer team seemed very happy and showed good looks towards Yu Xue and the others.

People with superpowers are more useful. If they are allowed to save people by themselves, although there are some people with superpowers in their team, they are not particularly outstanding. What they pay attention to is a coordinated operation and a collective action.

At that time, many people and weapons must be pulled out, fully armed and loaded with ammunition. The cost of rescuing people is high, but these superpowers are flexible and good at fighting and have high mobility.

The leaders of the two armies also came over to praise Yu Xue and the others, and highly affirmed their move.

The reward of thirteen crystal nuclei was given very happily, and the quality of the crystal nuclei was also quite good.

The nine-member team came to the side and took out the crystal cores obtained tonight and put them together with the thirteen crystal cores. It was a pile like a hill, and everyone's eyes were bright when they saw it.

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