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☆ 45. Chapter 41font record

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Chapter 41

Yu Xue looked towards the side where he was speaking.

There were obviously two groups of people confronting each other in a tense situation. From the appearance of their clothes, it was hard to tell who they were. Anyway, they were all dusty and fierce.

The one who spoke gave Yu Xue a thumbs up, and then looked provocatively at the group of people opposite. The group of people opposite looked at Yu Xue with ugly expressions, as if Yu Xue was also their enemy.

I understand, those who echoed Yu Xue's words were definitely not locals from K City, and the ones who confronted them and glared at Yu Xue were definitely from K City.

Yu Xue didn't expect that her casual remarks to the captain of the first volunteer team could involve her in the dispute between the two factions, but she didn't care, let alone feel afraid, and calmly faced the glaring man. Her eyes.

When those people saw her reaction like this, they were unsure of her depth.

Just at this time, a group of patrolmen came over: "What are you doing? Line up well and don't make trouble!"

So the two confronting groups dispersed.

No matter how violent they are, they will not dare to challenge the officers and soldiers.

The group of K city people went elsewhere, and the man who echoed Yu Xue's words brought his troops to line up next to Yu Xue, and chatted with Yu Xue with a smile: "Which city are you from? I'm J "I'm from H City."

Yu Xue said, "I'm

from H City." "Oh, you're from H City. It's amazing. I heard that your H City is amazing. You managed to survive a month on your own! Some time ago There are people coming from H City every day, and one time the team was the largest, with more than 100,000 people, and the queue was very long."

This man started to admire and looked very familiar.

Yu Xue didn't find him annoying and asked, "How do you arrange accommodation for so many people?"

The man started talking.

It turns out that people from other cities tend to live together, and the same is true for City H, who was arranged to a town inside the base.

However, because of the convenience of management, the base is not called XX town or XX county, but is collectively called XX district, and that town is divided into sixteen districts.

Not all people in H City want to live in the 16th District. For example, those who have relatives and friends in the base go to live with their relatives. Some capable people also find other ways to find a way out.

After all, the 16th District is relatively backward. You don’t have much to ask for, and there is no water or electricity. If you don’t see the benefits of being in a group, you really don’t want to live there.

The two of them were chatting here, and the queue in front started to pull, so Yu Xue drove to follow them, but they stopped again after two parking spaces.

On the other hand, the captain of the first volunteer team snorted coldly and asked the driver to push the car forward with a stinky face, squeezing to the front, as if he didn't want to be with Yu Xue.

The man beside Yu Xue's car said with a smile: "That's a local from K City, right? He's riding in a military vehicle, and he doesn't look like an ordinary person."

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