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☆ 33. Chapter 29【Revision】font record

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Chapter 29 [Revision]

On the afternoon of June 16, the scorching sun scorched the earth. In the urban jungle south of the safety zone, the meat of the dead crabs was rapidly deteriorating.

The smell of carrion attracted an army of crabs. When these little crabs found out that their boss was dead, they had no intention of looking for enemies, but pulled their legs to eat the meat of the big crab.

They crawled into the broken shells of the big crabs and quickly devoured them, but the toxins in the meat quickly killed these small crabs, which were not strong in toxin resistance. However, the army of crabs behind them continued to fight.

Yu Xue and Duoduo stood in the distance, watching this scene silently.

Yu Xue said: "Let's go."

Duoduo let out the car that she had taken to the vegetable garden, got in the car, Yu Xue started the car, and suddenly looked at Gouzi beside him: "We agreed, we will go find a man for you right now. You can't cheat on your clothes."

Duoduo: "...No cheating."

Anyway, it's too late to regret it now.

Yu Xue chuckled.

She drove the car to the nearest shopping mall.

She has shopped here before, so she is not unfamiliar with this area.

The mall was naturally deserted.

Plants have grown into the mall, or the potted plants in the mall have mutated and grown wildly. Coupled with the high temperature today, the entire mall seems to be in a humid tropical rain forest.

So Yu Xue only took a look outside and did not go in. Instead, she went to the relatively clean and dry pedestrian street behind the mall.

She quickly scanned around and found a few men's clothing stores that were relatively clean, so she walked over with Duoduo.

Many of the clothes hanging here were climbed by plants, but it was not serious. She picked out the clothes, then walked into the storage room at the back and took out the piles of clothes folded in the bags.

T-shirts, shirts, casual wear, bachelor-style blazers.

Obviously the customer base of this store is relatively young men.

Yu Xue waved to Duoduo: "Quick, quickly change into an adult, I'll try on clothes for you."

Duoduo stood there and hesitated for a moment, then little green fluorescent lights came out from Gouzi's body, condensed, and gradually formed A tall figure.

The limbs are slender, strong and powerful. Even though they are green and translucent, every texture on the arms is still very clear, giving it a special sense of reality.

It was as if there was such a person in the first place, but now this person had lost his flesh and blood and turned into this green jelly-like appearance.

Yu Xue's eyes opened wider and wider, and she finally let out a "Wow". She looked up and down at the enlarged version of Duoduo in front of her, and couldn't help but pinch his arm: "The details are well done, even this arm, You are stronger than you originally were, Duoduo, you hold yourself well."

The man was silent.

Then Yu Xue discovered that this enlarged version of Duoduo was still wearing clothes.

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