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☆ 69. Chapter 65font record

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Chapter 65

Yu Xue discovered that Duoduo’s attitude towards her has become a lot alienated recently.

In the past, I often cooked for her and helped take care of the vegetable garden.

Now he doesn't touch any of these things, and after she returns home, he doesn't take the initiative to talk to her. Even if she starts talking, he just asks and answers lazily.

She was a little confused and a little sad.

The well-behaved and considerate Duoduo from before seems to have disappeared.

But soon, she began to seriously think about why Duoduo had such a change.

"Are you sick? Or is it because the Qin family came here to cause trouble?"

She didn't know that the Qin family came one after another several times, and made trouble every night as if they were summoning spirits. She thought it was Qin Ran and the five people who caused trouble. Not happy.

She then contacted Wei Lin and asked what was going on with the five people.

After all, Weilin is now within the base system. Although the information about the five Qin family members is relatively confidential, Weilin knows something about it: "Now they are being interrogated every day and confessed a lot of things. I heard they are very old. Hurry, depending on the situation, you won't be able to survive for long."

Duoduo also said that those few people will live in just a few days.

That shouldn't bother Duoduo anymore.

She touched her chin and guessed unreliably: "It can't be that menopause has arrived, right?"

After all, Duoduo is actually quite old.

Well, it's acceptable for the elderly to lose their temper.

Yu Xue changed her mentality and used the mentality of caring for the elderly to accommodate someone who was having a bad temper. Then she could accept it in her heart.

She thought for a while and posted online: "The old man is having a tantrum. How can I calm him down?" 】

Now the network in the base has been restored, but the entire network is limited to the base and cannot be connected to other places.

But it’s okay to limit it to the base. After all, the base population in K city is very large. Even if a large part of the people can’t afford new electronic equipment such as new mobile phones and computers, there is still no telling how many messages are sent out every day on the base forum. New posts and some interactive platforms also have a lot of traffic.

As soon as Yu Xue's post was posted, someone quickly responded.

[Old children, old children, when they are old, they are children. They cannot be scolded or scolded. They can only obey and coax them. If possible, they can eat and drink whatever they want, and try to satisfy them. ]

[The host is really filial. In fact, for the elderly, they are very happy if their children are capable and have a worry-free life. ]

[Understand the root cause of the tantrum, and symptomatic treatment will be more effective]

Yu Xue browsed these replies and thought about it carefully. Duoduo couldn't eat, and she didn't know the source of Duoduo's unhappiness, so what she could do was Follow him and coax him.

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