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☆ 70. Chapter 66font record

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Chapter 66

"Hey, are you leaving? If you don't want to leave, don't stop in the middle of the road!"

Someone urged from behind.

Yu Xue and Duoduo stood in the middle of the road. There was a big white dog beside them, which was really blocking the way.

Yu Xue picked up Duoduo and put her aside.

He did this completely subconsciously, she had often hugged him like this before.

But when she put Duoduo down, she remembered that Duoduo was an adult at heart, an adult with a beautiful appearance who had lived for a long time and had a somewhat unstable temper.

She coughed and put Duoduo down: "Sorry, I didn't think much about it and picked you up subconsciously."

Duoduo didn't hear what she was saying.

The moment he was picked up by her, he felt that the vague attraction to him disappeared. He got a moment of peace, and his body was no longer so uncomfortable.

So when Yu Xue was about to let him go, he subconsciously reached out and grabbed the arm that was about to leave.

Yu Xue: "?"

Duoduo's hands were very strong, and she even felt a little pain from being scratched.

She looked at Duoduo in surprise.

Duoduo realized that he had lost his composure, slowly let go of her, and said lightly: "I'm sorry."

Yu Xue's expression became serious: "Duoduo, are you really uncomfortable? It's my fault, I didn't know, I still put you Pull it out, if this doesn't work, we will go back immediately."

Leaving his guardian place and the house where he lives, Duoduo will become more fragile, which Yu Xue has known for a long time.

She was extremely regretful now. She really shouldn't have asked Duoduo to accompany her out.

She hugged him and rushed out of the market.

It’s just that there are people in front of us and people behind us, so we can’t walk fast in such a crowd.

Just when she was about to pass over people's heads, a small hand grabbed her arm: "No need to go back."

Duoduo pulled away from her arms, and on his tightly wrapped face, only the green eyes under the brim of his hat were visible. Revealing discomfort.

He repeated again: "There is no need to rush back."

There are many people here, and the popularity is very high, and the popularity can block the annoying soul-calling to a certain extent.

Although Yu Xue didn't quite understand, she didn't insist on going back, but she still felt uneasy: "Are you really okay?"

"It's okay."

However, he had no intention of getting out of Yu Xue's arms.

He has been cold and indifferent these days, and even actively avoids physical contact with Yu Xue. Sometimes when Yu Xue accidentally touches him, he will take the initiative to avoid it.

At this moment, he let her hold him obediently, with no intention of coming down.

Yu Xue was surprised for a while, and then came to a conclusion: Duoduo really has an unstable temper. He is cold to you at one moment and clingy at the other. This is indeed menopause, right?

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