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☆ 30. Chapter 27font record

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Chapter 27

In the evening, Yu Xue took Laifu out.

She agreed with Duoduo that she would let him come out to eat when he encountered a suitable mutated plant, and leave the rest of the time to Laifu, and Duoduo agreed.

Laifu jumped up and down as soon as he went out. Don't be too excited. Yu Xue looked at his shiny white fur and was a little worried about whether he would be discovered. When he got to the stairs, he dragged him back home and looked for her. A piece of black clothing was modified and put on.

So, Laifu's body was black, but his big head, tail and four claws were still white.

In the dark night, I saw my head and feet separated, and a white fluffy head floating in the air, which was really weird.

Yu Xue stroked her forehead and could only say to Laifu, go out and be quiet, don't run around and jump around, follow her closely, and keep a low profile.

Only then did she realize one thing. Duoduo was also wearing white hair when he went out. Why wasn't she worried that he would be discovered?

When I feel that Duoduo is in the dog's body, the dog's overall sense of presence is very low.

In the end, Yu Xue led Laifu out.

Nowadays, Fu'an Community and the three surrounding communities have become safe areas, and the roads between the communities have been cleared, so the scene where the railings around the community are filled with zombies will never happen again.

The armed police, rescue teams, and newly recruited militiamen were all deployed around the safety zone to defend against various dangers.

At this time, there were still a lot of people downstairs in the community.

For example, for people living in high-rise buildings, the elevator is out of service and it is extremely inconvenient to go up and down the stairs. It is too laborious to transport firewood and other things upstairs like other people do.

High-rise residents choose to build several large earth stoves next to their units. After getting the wood, they boil water and cook food here, and then take it upstairs.

There are only a few big earthen stoves, so people line up all day long. At night, there are even more people here.

Some people were inspired by this and started a business of cooking for people. There was a chef in the community and he built a few earthen stoves. When others took the raw food to process, the chef cleaned it up and used his own The firewood is used to cook the food, and in the end only one portion of food is left as payment.

Business is not bad.

Yu Xue took the dog to avoid the crowd and headed towards the gate of the community.

People are free to leave the community. After all, there are many people who want to go out to kill zombies, find supplies, etc. Some people who are brave enough to go out specifically go out at night, because zombies are more active and more challenging at night.

Before Yu Xue left the community, she always went out secretly. This was the first time she went out through the gate in a serious manner.

"Building 4, 404, Yu Xue." Looking at the name Yu Xue signed on the registration form, the gatekeeper warned, "Go out as you like. When you come in, you must check whether you have been bitten by zombies and whether you are carrying dangerous items. It needs to be checked, and the dog needs to be checked too."

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