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☆ 51. Chapter 47font record

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How strange is Chapter 47

? The man with glasses thought for a while and said, "It is said that the smell of the mutated sheep can make other mutated animals afraid to approach. This is what some people in H City said, but I don't know if it is true."

"Oh? Just by one Can the smell deter other mutated animals?" The young man became interested, "Such a rare thing should be put to good use to contribute to the people of the base. Where is the sheep now?"

Yu Xue didn't know that someone was thinking about her. sheep.

Several children went to the clothing workshop, Liu Liu went to the hospital for further study, and Yu Xue and Xiao Zhao spent most of their time at the construction site in District 17, so the two animals did not stay in the small courtyard, but followed them. The workshop.

These two are big eaters, so Yu Xue left their rations and asked people in the workshop to help feed them on time.

Laifu's ration is naturally dog ​​food, while the lamb's ration is either boiling a pumpkin for one meal or feeding it hay.

Of course, this is not enough for this big eater.

At night, Yu Xue secretly brought these two to District 17 and took them into her courtyard. The two immediately started jumping around.

Laifu was like taking stimulants, running back and forth in and out of the house, while the lamb kept bleating, and every sound said it was hungry, just like the two pigs in the pig pen. Mixed together, it's like singing a big show.

Yu Xue gave it the peeled corn husks, and the corn cobs were eaten raw by it. After eating the corn, it went to eat pumpkins, radishes, whatever it caught. If Yu Xue hadn't tried to stop it, it would have eaten it. It can directly eat up the sweet potato seedlings and corn seedlings in the field.

Watching it eating non-stop, Yu Xue stirred the pig food in the pot and felt worried: "How can you eat it so well? I have to wait two or three months for a harvest in my land. How about I take you out for a walk tomorrow?"

There are plants everywhere outside the base, which it can eat freely, but she also discovered that the sheep prefers to eat things that have not mutated, and there are mutated plants outside. The mutated plants simply couldn't compete with the mutated plants, and they were all squeezed to the point of extinction.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The sheep chewed a sprouted potato and took the time to reply to Yu Xue, not sure whether he agreed or not. Yu Xue saw that it had finished chewing everything in front of it and was still sniffing around on the ground. It wanted to go to the sweet potato field again. The corner of Yu

Xue's mouth twitched. She went back to the house and took out a bag of dried beans: "Do you want to eat this?"

He sniffed it, took a bite, and chewed the hard dried beans.

Yu Xue gave a thumbs up: "You have really good teeth." The dried soybeans were very hard.

Yu Xue sighed, feeling that it was very stressful to support her family.

After feeding the pigs, she started to get busy. The yard was full of planting things, and she couldn't even put her foot down casually. She would step on the planting things accidentally.

She took every opportunity to find some empty space in the alfalfa field and beside the corn, dug a hole, and transplanted the tall cucumbers that had already set fruit in the gallon pot with bamboo poles into the ground. The soil was tamped hard, and then a simple shed was built between a few cucumber plants so that the cucumbers could climb freely.

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