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☆ 50. Chapter 46font record

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Chapter 46

There are already several clothing factories in the base. They use chemical synthetic fibers as raw materials to produce fabrics and then make them into various types of quilts.

Because the craftsmanship is not as refined as before, and the raw materials are not as abundant as before, the fabrics produced are harder and thicker, but the advantage is that they are wear-resistant and cheaper.

Under Fang Biao's introduction, Yu Xue went to several clothing production factories, looked at the materials, and finally chose one of them and customized three types of fabrics.

One is made of pure synthetic fiber, has a harder feel, is resistant to wear and tear, and has a lower price. It is good for outerwear.

One type is mixed with 20% linen, which has a softer feel and is more suitable for making sheets.

Nowadays, the weather is very hot, and there is no need for quilts, so I should save some money on quilt cores and bedding. No matter how wealthy Yu Xue is, her assets are limited, so I should save some money in this province first.

The third type contains 20% to 30% cotton and is used for close-fitting clothing.

She placed the order based on 1,000 pieces of clothing fabrics and 500 pieces of sheet fabrics. It was a big order for a clothing factory, and the deposit was quite generous. The person in charge of the factory was very enthusiastic about Yu Xue and promised Work overtime to get her done.

After finishing the fabric matter, Yu Xue turned to ask Sister Ai: "Didn't Aunt Xu say that we can find some sisters who can sew? I want to leave the clothes making to them, and the labor will be paid according to the market price. Do you think it is suitable?" Sister Ai

was surprised and happy, but also hesitant: "They are all amateurs. It's okay to alter old clothes. They can just make new clothes..."

Thinking of Sister Xu and the others, how much money they make by mending clothes for others, what a day. Although she was so poor, she really wanted to get this job for them. Even if the job was not given to Sister Xu and the others, Yu Xue would definitely hire someone else to do it.

She gritted her teeth and said, "I think it will work. The few of them shouldn't be enough. We need to hire a few more professional tailors."

Yu Xue smiled and said, "Then let's hire people today. Didn't Aunt Xu say that she could get a batch of old clothes?" ? Just try it out with old clothes first. When the fabric here comes out, you can start making it directly. You can also ask Li Xiaoqian and the others to help."

Li Xiaoqian is the oldest of the four orphans today. After taking a bath After eating, I was already engaged in the work of picking wool. These four children are all diligent and sensible. Together with Qiu Yueyue, there are five children together, and the lamb's little hair is not enough.

When there was no wool to pick from, they seemed a little reserved, looking for work all over the yard and cleaning the house cleanly.

Yu Xue thought that providing such old children with job opportunities might make them feel more at ease. When she pays wages, she will have more peace of mind when she has money in her hands.

So before the shelter was established, Yu Xue first set up a clothing workshop.

She rented two apartments in the 15th arrondissement, which is closest to the 17th arrondissement.

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