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☆ 53. Chapter 49font record

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Chapter 49

The constant flow of refugees every day made Yu Xue alert, and she accelerated the construction of shelters and farmland after returning.

After all, the farmland only needs to be leveled. The Ministry of Agriculture quickly transported truckloads of high-temperature sterilized soil, poured it on the foundation, and then leveled it.

Long strips of field ridges were quickly formed, with a height of more than 80 centimeters. The scientifically proportioned soil is dark, soft and very fertile. Each large piece of farmland is surrounded by a one-meter-high wall to protect the soil from rainwater. Flush away.

The entire planting area is about thirty acres. At first glance, it is a quite broad piece of land.

The next step was to install a field irrigation system. A pipeline was pulled from the nearest water plant to be specially responsible for agricultural irrigation.

The irrigation system had just been put into use in the first batch of fields, and mist-like water vapor was sprinkled from the sprinkler heads. The water vapor quickly moistened the soil, and the seedlings from the Ministry of Agriculture arrived.

Half are sweet potato seedlings and half are corn seedlings. These seedlings are cultivated in a greenhouse, which can save at least half a month of planting time.

Yu Xue hired some experienced farmers to plant these seedlings.

A wall is being built around the planting area to seal off the entire park to prevent outsiders from entering.

This room was busy when Gu Qing came over: "You're doing really well here."

Yu Xue poured her a glass of mint water from the nearby work shed. Gu Qing took a sip and narrowed her eyes. Holding the mint leaves in the cup: "You actually have fresh mint here!"

Yu Xue also took a sip of the mint water in her cup, and a cool feeling went straight to the top of her head. It was a bit too strong. She should have added two slices of lemon, more Add some rock sugar.

She said: "When the Ministry of Agriculture sent seedlings, they gave me a few potted plants, including a pot of mint."

Gu Qing clicked her tongue: "You have a very good relationship with the Ministry of Agriculture now."

"It's not really good. , It’s just a cooperative relationship.” Probably because she allowed the people from the Ministry of Agriculture to do whatever they wanted and never interfered, so that the middle-aged bald expert looked at her more favorably, or maybe it was because she raised two mutated pets, which made her look more pleasing to the eye. They thought she could grow some pretty good plants too.

In short, both the sent seedlings and the potted plants are quite strong, and should be considered top-quality products in the Ministry of Agriculture.

Yu Xue said and looked at Gu Qing: "How have you been recently?"

Gu Qing was dressed in gorgeous clothes, her hair was newly permed and dyed, she was wearing expensive jewelry, and she was wearing heavy makeup. She looked very proud at first glance.

"It's not bad. Several associations have invited me to join. I haven't decided which one to join yet." Gu Qing said that she was not interested in her own affairs, but then she came over and said, "I heard that it has been spread all over the world recently. Yu Xue from H City raises a mutated sheep, which can drive away mutated beasts just by its smell. Everyone wants to rent your sheep for a day or two."

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