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☆ 63. Chapter 59font record

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Chapter 59

After getting along for half a year, Yu Xue has seen a lot of things, which are always green. Although there have been a lot of red lines in his body recently, he is still generally green.

Yu Xue once complained secretly that if Duoduo appeared in front of people at night, he would definitely scare them to death.

As a result, he suddenly stopped being green.

Yu Xue stared at the beautiful man's hand in front of her and slowly raised her head.

Black pants, white shirt, each wooden button exuded a warm luster in the light, and then her eyes saw the fair skin exposed by the collar of the shirt, a small collarbone with clear lines, and the raised Adam's apple.

Then there was a very handsome face.

Her facial features are elegant and graceful, her eyes are clear and bright, and the tail of her eyes is slightly raised, like the slender tail of a bird.

It's beautiful to the naked eye, so beautiful that it's even a bit dazzling.

Yu Xue opened her eyes wide.

There was a smile in the man's eyes.


"Well, it's me."

Yu Xue stared at him in disbelief. Her voice was indeed Duoduo's in her adult state, but her appearance... hadn't changed at all.

When Duoduo was still green, she noticed that he was very good-looking, and thought that if he could turn into a real human being, he would definitely be handsome and handsome.

But I didn't expect that he could actually turn into a human form.

She held his hand. His hand was not very warm, but rather cool. She asked in surprise, "How did you become like this? What happened? Is this temporary or permanent?"

The man smiled and said: "You have so many questions, which one do you want me to answer first?"

Yu Xue was about to speak, but suddenly her face changed again. She came closer and smelled him: "Where did this bloody smell come from? Are you injured?"

Yu Xue She was half a head shorter than him, so when she came in to sniff, she was right next to his neck.

His eyes moved slightly, but he did not avoid it. Instead, he smiled and said, "It's not my blood. You don't have to worry."

He paused and said, "I went to meet a few old friends. To be precise, it's old friends." Later."

This is true. He is more familiar with the former Yu family, which is a friendship accumulated through generations of companionship.

But since the past few decades, the economy has developed rapidly, technology has come closer to people's lives, and everyone yearns for the metropolis, no one wants to stay in the mountains.

One by one, the Qin family moved down the mountain.

At first, one group was left to worship him on the mountain, but later that group also left.

He barely knows any of the younger Qin family members now. He only has some impression of the older Qin family members. As for the feelings, he has no feelings at all.

Yu Xue was very surprised to hear his simple story.

Duoduo turned out to be the guardian spirit of the Qin family!

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