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☆ 56. Chapter 52font record

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Chapter 52

The two hundred lambs were brought in five large trucks. They were afraid that too many sheep would be squeezed into one truck and the lambs would be crushed.

Yu Xue looked towards the car and saw the dusty fur dumplings in the car, which made her feel happy.

These sheep have grown up, and they are all fat, tender and delicious meat!

At this time, the sheep farm was almost finished, and half of the sheepfold was set up. Yu Xue asked people to unload the lambs directly into the sheep farm.

The half-grown lambs were bleating and suddenly changed their living place. They were very panicked.

But then, Yu Xue put the lambs in front of them, and all the lambs became quiet and huddled together tremblingly, obviously very scared.

Yu Xue patted the lamb's head: "Don't scare them. If these sheep eat well and sleep well, they can produce a lot of sheep dung, which can be made into fertilizer to fertilize the fields. More and better crops can be grown in the fields." Grain, vegetables and fruits, you will be able to eat more good things. When these sheep grow up and are slaughtered, they can still sell them for money and buy you delicious food."

Yu Xue drew a big cake for the mutated sheep.

The little sheep raised his head and looked at Yu Xue with his two eyes sunk in his fur, as if he was thinking whether the pie was real. Then it happily ate the cake and bleated.

Gradually, the group of lambs relaxed and even came over to rub against the lamb, as if they were getting familiar with its scent. Then they moved around slowly, becoming familiar with the environment they would live in next.

Yu Xue found it novel. This method of raising sheep with sheep was quite effective.

The employees who came from the sheep farm were also surprised. This mutated sheep really had some magical powers!

"Sister Yu, the Spiritual Animal Association sent a cart of food and three carts of other supplies, saying they were donated to the shelter."

Yu Xue, who was watching people move fodder for the lambs in the sheep farm, got a call with great interest. , looking back, there were indeed a few trucks coming from the work shed.

She immediately walked back and saw the president of the Spirit Beast Association who was talking to Gu Qing.

Seeing Yu Xue, the president of the association's eyes lit up, and he held Yu Xue's hand enthusiastically: "I heard that your shelter started to accept people, so I sent a few cars of things over. I showed a little love and hope that I can help." See these poor children."

Yu Xue was quite surprised and a little touched: "These big cars are full of love. I will have Mr. Guo's name engraved on the stone tablet of the shelter later. First, I would like to thank Mr. Guo on behalf of the children in the shelter."

The president of the association, whose surname is Guo, has the character "fruit" in his name. If he pronounces this name quickly, it will seem less imposing, but Yu Xue feels at this moment that this man with thick eyebrows and big eyebrows A man with sharp eyes, this name goes well with him, he looks so cute no matter how he looks.

There are four carts of supplies, one cart of food, one cart of clothes, one cart of quilts, and one cart of tables, stools, bed cabinets, all of which can be used in the work shed immediately.

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