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☆ 5. Chapter 5font record

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Chapter 5

Yu Xue ate almost non-stop last night.

Don’t eat, I’m hungry, my whole body is clamoring to eat, but if I eat, my stomach will churn so hard that I feel like I’ve used up all the diarrhea in my life in one night.

But while others were getting weaker and weaker, she felt more and more powerful and refreshed.

She was vaguely aware that this process was beneficial to her. Just as Guardian Spirit Duoduo said, the power of plant mutation was transforming her body.

So from the panic at the beginning, I basically calmed down later.

In her previous life, she had also heard of some people becoming superpowers. It seemed that the process of awakening was not smooth sailing. She just had to eat more and go to the toilet a few more times, which was fine.

When it was almost dawn, the hunger was not so strong, and she could finally sleep for a while.

This sleep lasted until the afternoon.

When she was about to wake up, she felt that the touch of her right index finger was a little strange, as if something was wrapped around it. She subconsciously raised her hand and looked in front of her.

At this moment, all the sleepyheads ran away.

The green on the finger is not because it has rubbed against something, but because there is a leaf growing on it.

It was tender and green, and it seemed to be a little wilted under her pressure, but the next moment it stood up tremblingly, swaying slightly with the trembling of her fingers.

Yu Xue sat up suddenly.

Looking at his hands, he looked like he was looking at something scary.

Her scalp was numb.

Fortunately, she was tortured so badly yesterday that she was mentally prepared for the changes in her body. Now she was shocked and gradually calmed down.

She looked carefully and saw that there was a thin and short stem under the small leaf, which grew from the wound on her finger.

She pulled carefully, and felt a slight pulling sensation, but no pain.

"What is this? Do superpowers look like this? It can't be parasitic, right?"

Look carefully, the leaves are different from the leaves of the emerald tree. If they are parasitic, they should grow exactly the same. Bar?

Yu Xue tried to control the leaf, but her eyes were almost cross-eyed because the leaf still only swayed from side to side.

She tried to take it back, but to no avail.

Yu Xue had a headache.

In her previous life, she had seen a person with superpowers. A vine shot out of his hand, and he could climb to the top of the building with just a few swipes. Not to mention how powerful he was.

But people's vines can be harvested at will. Why doesn't she obey my orders?

After studying for a while, she decided to give up temporarily and got up and went into the bathroom to wash up. But when she saw herself in the mirror, she was stunned.

Is she that white?

Don’t you still have a few acne marks on your face?

What about the dark circles under your eyes?

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