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☆ 49. Chapter 45font record

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Chapter 45

Yu Xue said that if everyone knew homeless children, they could bring them to her, and people got a little excited.

Of course they know some children who have lost their asylum and become homeless, but have not entered the orphanage for various reasons.

They might recommend job opportunities to them, or secretly provide relief, but it's never a long-term solution. They thought Yu Xue would have to wait until the shelter was built before accepting the children. Unexpectedly, she was willing to accept them now, and then those children could be accepted. Less hardship.

Sister Ai asked Yu Xue: "The shelter has not been built yet. Where will the child live when he comes?"

"I rented a yard in the seventh district." Yu Xue said.

She came to this base with Gu Qing and others. She focused her development on shelters and farming, but others did not. Except for Liu Liu and Xiao Zhao, who clearly showed their intention to follow her, the others They spent several days trying to find a way out.

Sometimes I walk too far and don't come back to spend the night. The three-story courtyard is quite empty. It's not a problem to tidy up the unoccupied rooms and accommodate more than ten children.

"If I can't live in it, I can rent a few more houses."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard that Yu Xue rented a yard in District 7.

The house prices in the seventh district were so expensive. Yu Xue actually rented an entire yard. He was indeed a wealthy man. They discussed it with each other and said they would go back and ask the children they knew if they were willing to go to Yu Xue's place.

Yu Xue thought for a while, if there were too many children by then, Liu Liu would definitely not be able to take care of them. After all, she was a person with powers, not a nanny.

She told Sister Ai to help find a few cooks and cleaning aunts. It would be best to find them among a group of caring people who knew the basics without telling them. They must also be loving and patient with the children. When the time comes, she Pay wages according to market price.

After spending a whole day in District 17, as night fell, the two construction teams finished their work one after another, leaving only a few people living in temporary work sheds, looking at the equipment that was inconvenient to take away to prevent it from being stolen or damaged. , this mountainous area has returned to tranquility.

Nowadays, there are very few people coming to develop in the 17th District. The entire mountainous area is vast, but there is nothing you want. You have to be far away to see one or two lights. Those are temporary buildings where the workers who are also working here live. Work shed.

In order to catch up with the progress at some construction sites, the construction team continued to work under the illumination of headlights.

In the distance, the city wall on the mountain now turned into a sparsely lit fire dragon. Everyone knew that there were troops and cannons on it, and there was no danger of them crossing the city wall silently, so they felt quite relieved.

Yu Xue did not leave District 17, but came to a dark place far away from people, where her small courtyard was located.

During the day, she stayed at the construction site, and Duoduo placed the small courtyard here, just in time to bask in the sun, and Yu Xue could see the small courtyard when she raised her head.

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