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☆ 20. Chapter 18(1)font record

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Chapter 18 (1)

People were excited. Many people got off the car and started chatting directly. The road became more and more congested. Later, the traffic police came out to clear the road, and the road was open again.

Even so, it took Yu Xue more than an hour to return to the city center. She went to buy some purified water, fruits and vegetables on the way, and then returned to Fu'an Community.

When the car drove into the community, the security guard told her that someone was looking for her.

Who can come to her?

She didn't go to school before, saying she wanted to find a job, and reported it to the counselor. Because she had to fill out the application, she wrote the address of Fu'an Community, so the only people who knew her address were...

Yu Xue looked at the monitors, Zhang Jing and Lu Xiaolan. There is also a woman in her mid-twenties.

What a counselor.

Did you come because of the graduation exam? She had already asked for leave, but she didn't expect the counselor to come directly here.

There was a middle-aged man standing next to the three of them. Who could it be if it wasn't her uncle Yu Weishan?

Yu Xue was surprised to see Yu Weishan.

After the inheritance was divided last year, the uncle acted like "If you leave, don't come back again. The Yu family will treat you as if you don't exist anymore." Of course, Yu Xue had no intention of going back, but now, he actually came here.

This didn't happen in the previous life.

Yu Xue parked the car and got out of the car, and the four people came over. Yu Weishan said with all his face, "You little girl, you didn't even take the exam. Your teacher called me. It just so happened that I was here." You have to come all the way from your hometown to do business in the city? You can do it. It’s shameful to have no adults to take care of you!"

It turned out that this was why he came. When Yu Xue looked at him, she felt that his purpose was not that simple.

Yu Xue did not immediately respond to Yu Weishan's words. She looked at the counselor. The counselor's expression was not very good: "Yu Xue, what's the matter with you not coming to the exam?"

Yu Xue said: "Something happened."

"What on earth is it?"

Yu Xue said. Xue couldn't tell, and couldn't.

The counselor became even more angry: "Nothing can affect the exam. If you can come but don't come, it's a matter of attitude! No matter what, you have to take the exam tomorrow. If you miss the exam today, I will find a way for you. I usually perform very well and my grades have always been very high. The impact of missing one exam is not very big, but I must take the next one!"

The counselor said without a doubt that Yu Xue has been receiving scholarships for four years at University. Such a person A good student, she will never allow her graduation to be affected by unimportant things.

Thinking about seeing her driving in just now and thinking about her buying a house, she couldn't help but feel that this student was impetuous because he was rich.

This is not possible! There is still a long way to go!

"By the way, are you ready for your paper?"

Yu Xue said: "Ready."

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