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☆ 60. Chapter 56font record

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Chapter 56:

Yang Laosan ran a night market food stall before the end of the world. He was tall, thick-set, and had a fierce look. He also knew some brothers. After running the food stall for so many years, no one dared to trouble him.

I'm in my thirties, single, and living a very carefree life.

Of course, everything has changed after the end of the world, but he still looks so rough and tough, and he is very capable of dealing with people. He also found that being more fierce can make his life a lot easier, so he is fierce all day long, and even fights with a few people. The same fierce people became sworn friends and gave themselves the name Yang Laosan.

But few people know that it is such a person who has a group of homeless girls under his control. In order to find a way for these girls to make a living, he also specially opened a waste recycling station so that the waste picked up by these children can be recycled. Selling for a good price.

But recently, Yang Laosan has been hiding something on his mind. He has been suffering from stomach pain recently. He went to the hospital for a check-up and the doctor said it was stomach cancer.

In this apocalyptic world, people are dying every day, and Yang Laosan has been on the verge of death several times. He is not very afraid of death, but before he dies, he wants to arrange the group of female dolls.

You know, a lot of unscrupulous people are eyeing those female dolls.

A pretty girl in her teens can even be used as a commodity in this huge base where good and bad people are mixed.

Just when he was worrying about this matter, a man appeared in District 17 and bought a large piece of land to build a shelter to house orphans.

Yang Laosan took this matter seriously and thought that when the shelter opened, he would send these girls there.

As a result, before the shelter was built, the owner of the shelter said that he would take in children. Yang Laosan immediately decided to send the girls there because he said he would only take in 500 people. He made arrangements as soon as he got the news.

From District 12 to District 17, it would take more than three hours to walk across the entire base if the driving went smoothly. However, their trip this time was not so smooth.

They encountered car breakdowns, road construction, strict inspections at checkpoints, and finally even encountered a child snatcher.

Yes, they are robbing children.

They happened to be at a checkpoint at that time, which happened to be a highway intersection before the end of the world. Many cars were lined up waiting for inspection, and the girls in the cars needed to get off to use the toilet.

He asked them to go to the toilet together. Everything was fine, but suddenly there was an exclamation. He rushed over and saw that several girls were put down in the toilet. After counting the number of people, there was one missing. The one named Qian Sisi Gone!

"At that time, Yang Laosan chased Qian Sisi and saw Qian Sisi being carried away by a man. The man was very fast and ran away in a flash. Fortunately, there were many people in the car at the checkpoint, so in the end the man could only carry him away. He left the person behind and ran away, but Qian Sisi also hit his head."

Xiao Zhao greeted Yu Xue and briefly explained the cause and effect of the incident: "I think this Qian Sisi may be the one you are looking for, so hurry up and get her I've told you about this."

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