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☆ 41. Chapter 37font record

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Chapter 37

Yu Xue told Duoduo that she had joined the small convoy and worked for them for half the night.

Duoduo thought thoughtfully: "You killed that wolf pack."


"Without you, how much impact would that wolf pack have on those people?"

Yu Xue thought for a while: "Actually, in that convoy There are still some masters, Gu Qing is one, and there are several pretty powerful superpowers. Welin's command ability should be good too. Twenty or thirty wolves will not cause too many casualties, but there will be some. Lost."

If Gu Qing came to support from the other side at that time, he should be able to kill a few wolves, and with the support of other people, the situation should not get out of control, but there was something approaching from Gu Qing's side at that time. Both sides came together, Gu It’s hard to think about the beginning and the end, and it’s really hard to say what the outcome will be.

Duoduo nodded: "That's it. This red light may be a reward for saving people."

Yu Xue: "Ah? There is a reward for this, too? Who gave it to you?"

Duoduo looked at her and uttered two words: "Laws, a kind of hidden rules in the world. Maybe to put it more bluntly, some people like to say that God is watching what people do, and it is this 'Heaven'."

Yu Xue was shocked: "Heaven... is really Is there such a thing?"

She looked up and saw only the roof of her house, with a bit of awe in her eyes: "Then doesn't everyone get rewarded for doing good deeds, and punished for doing bad deeds? That's the so-called All good and evil are rewarded?"

Duoduo nodded: "It's just that, under normal circumstances, it won't take effect so quickly on people, but it will have a more direct impact on beings like me. Now, because of the relationship between us, you get This reward has been transferred to me."

As he spoke, the red light disappeared, indicating that today's reward has been transferred.

Yu Xue hurriedly asked: "So this is good for you?"

Duoduo said: "Of course."

He was silent for a moment and said: "I am the guardian spirit. From the beginning, I have been raised by the family. What my master in the contract does , will affect me. If they do good, I can accumulate virtue, which is beneficial to my practice. If they do evil, I will also be burdened with sin."

This is also one of the main reasons why he wants to leave the Qin family.

If the Qin family does something that harms Tianhe, nothing will happen to them, because the consequences will be passed on to him, and sooner or later he will end up in ashes. Leaving the Qin family is just a violation of the contract and will be punished.

The lesser of two evils.

It's just that Yu Xue is not his nominal master. He didn't expect that her behavior would directly affect him.

Yu Xue was overjoyed: "Then, if I do more good deeds and save more people in the future, won't you be able to get better and better?"

Oh, I suddenly feel so motivated!

Suddenly her face changed and she said nervously: "But I did something bad before, will it affect you too?"

"What bad thing?"

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