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Chapter 2

This is the break after the first big class in the morning. There is a total of 15 minutes of rest time, and there will be another big class after that, which lasts until about eleven o'clock.

However, Yu Xue couldn't sit still. While Han Qingqing and others were pestering Lu Xiaolan to ask questions, Yu Xue packed up the books, paper and pens on her desk, picked up her bag and left.

Lu Xiaolan saw her and said hurriedly: "Where are you going? Why don't you take us to see your house." She

also wanted to blame Yu Xue.

In her previous life, it was because of Lu Xiaolan, Han Qingqing and others who made noises, but Yu Xue couldn't resist. After class, she could only take these people to visit her new house. This is how the address was exposed.

Later, when Yu Xue was engaged in decoration, Lu Xiaolan strongly recommended that she hand over the business to a relative who owned a decoration company. Yu Xue didn't want to agree, so she went to her house every day to work on it.

She even disclosed her address to her relatives, and the decoration company showed up uninvited, which made Yu Xue unable to find another company.

In the end, the company owned by Lu Xiaolan's relative was perfunctory, provided poor materials, and charged very high fees. Because it was all-inclusive, the work was done quickly, but the decoration effect was very unsatisfactory.

Yu Xue didn't want to get into trouble, so she just said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"You don't need to pack your books when you go to the bathroom."

Yu Xue didn't answer any more. She just stood up and left as she was sitting in the aisle.

Lu Xiaolan wanted to stop her, but was entangled by Han Qingqing and others.

Yu Xue went to the bathroom and washed her face. Looking at her face in the mirror, she felt like she was in a dream.

But the experience of the half month after the end of the world was so real, and the frustration of having my house occupied was so real.

The feeling of being thrown out of the window and having vines piercing my heart was also so real.

She touched her chest, which was now warm and intact, but the severe pain seemed to still remain.

No matter how ridiculous it seemed, she had to believe that she was really reborn.

What followed was a surprise.

After being reborn, everything can start again. This time, she must find a way to live a better life and protect herself and Duoduo.

Speaking of Duoduo, I met Duoduo on this day in my previous life.

She turned around and walked out quickly, just in time to bump into Mu Heping who was getting boiled water from the water room on the side.

Yu Xue paused and thanked him: "Thank you for helping me out just now."

Mu Heping was stunned and said: "It's nothing, I was really inspired by you to buy a house."

He hesitated and looked at it. He still lowered his voice and said, "You'd better be careful. Lu Xiaolan keeps mentioning your full purchase of a house to people these days, intentionally or unintentionally, especially in your hometown association. It's spread all over the place."

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