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☆ 23. Chapter 20font record

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Chapter 20

: You must be cautious when facing zombies. Yu Xue didn't accumulate much experience in dealing with zombies in her previous life, so even if she had a spiritual plant nearby, she would not dare to run out to kill zombies in the middle of the night.

She had been waiting in the house for daybreak.

But she was so hungry that she could only keep eating and eating.

At about two o'clock in the morning, a trumpet sound suddenly came from the sky.

"This is the H City People's Emergency Broadcast! This is the H City People's Emergency Broadcast! Now we are broadcasting an emergency message to all H City citizens." "At

0:00 on June 1, 20XX, an unexplained environmental change occurred in H City , some people lose their minds and their body tissues are severely damaged. They are characterized by actively attacking and biting the people around them. If you find someone with this kind of infection around you, please keep quiet and stay away immediately." "A

large number of animals and plants have mutated, and rich Aggressiveness, including but not limited to common insects, domestic pets, poultry, livestock, as well as green plants, flowers, vegetables, etc. that can be seen everywhere." "The

general public is requested to stay at home as much as possible and interact with pets at home. Keep a distance from plants and plants, close doors and windows tightly to prevent insects from entering, stay silent, and remember that shouting may attract danger." "

People who are outdoors, please immediately find a building close to you, take shelter, or go to Please call the nearest rescue organization for help."

"Some power transmission facilities, water pipe lines, and optical cables have been damaged by mutant organisms. Please store as much water as possible, fully charge all flashlights and power banks, and store rice and rice at home. Cook meat and other food and set aside, and go online to learn more about the end of the world to avoid sudden water, power, gas, and internet outages." "

The government has organized a rescue team. Please don't panic. You can send a request for help through the radio channel. Information, while ensuring personal survival, try to help other people around you as much as possible."

Yu Xue came to Duoduo vegetable garden and looked at the helicopter flying over with signal lights flashing in the sky.

On the tall buildings in the community, people opened their windows and looked up to the sky. Some even shouted: "We are here. There are zombies outside the door. Come and save us!"

But this helicopter is only responsible for broadcasting. , did not have the ability to save people, so naturally they did not fall down to save people.

As the helicopter moved, Yu Xue saw the zombies in the community chasing the direction of the helicopter, apparently attracted by the sound.

It is expected that the situation outside the community should be the same.

There was no such broadcast in the previous life. Everything in the previous life happened so fast and urgent that no one could react.

When the government took action, it was already two or three days later, but by then the scale of zombies and mutated animals and plants was already very large and quite rampant. All the government's rescue and self-rescue operations had almost no effect.

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