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☆ 22. Chapter 19font record

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Chapter 19

Yu Xue returned to Fu’an Community at noon on May 31st.

At this time, the whole community was in a panic. Some people returned to their homes in the countryside, and some brought relatives from other places over.

Those who leave have to move things, and those who come here also have to move things, and those who stay in the community have to hoard all kinds of supplies.

Some people took advantage of what might be the last day and took advantage of the sunny weather to wash, dry, and clean the house thoroughly. They wished they could do all the cleaning work for the next ten years in one day. All done.

Others hired people to reinforce the doors and windows.

People were coming in and out of the entire community, cars were coming and going, the buildings and green belts were covered with quilts and clothes, and many rooms were undergoing emergency renovations.

It can be called a state of chaos.

At this time, no one still remembers the haunting in Building 502 two days ago.

Yu Xue drove the car back in a low-key manner.

When she rented a car, she deliberately rented it with this dark gray color scheme. It looked unremarkable on the outside, but in fact, the car had a maximum horsepower of 600 and could accelerate from 0 to 100 mph in less than four seconds. It was a car with superior performance that focused on regulating movement. car.

When the car was rented, Yu Xue had no intention of returning it. She planned to keep it for her own use in the end of the world.

I'm sorry to the owner of the car rental shop, but he also has many off-road vehicles that are much better than this one, so missing this one shouldn't be a problem.

In fact, if she wasn't worried about being too conspicuous, Yu Xue would have wanted to rent an off-road vehicle directly, but this one should be enough for the time being.

Entering the garage, Yu Xue took the dog upstairs.

Duoduo brought all the supplies he bought in the past two days directly back to Duoduo’s vegetable garden.

Yu Xue opened the door and entered 404. When she saw the Duoduo vegetable garden, it was full of things again. This was also thanks to the fact that the space was high enough and could be stacked up several meters, otherwise nothing would be able to fit in.

She first sorted out the things that were not easy to store, putting the things that should be in the refrigerator in the refrigerator, and the things that should be in the freezer in the freezer.

She even bought two piglets, a male and a female, so that when they grow up, they can give birth to her piglets.

At this time, she was raising two little piglets in a cage, placed together with the cages of chickens and ducks.

Then Yu Xue took the oversized bucket she bought into the indoor balcony of 404. After connecting the hose to the faucet, she simply rinsed the bucket and then started to store water.

Such a big white bucket can hold 1 ton of water when filled. Yu Xue bought eight buckets and planned to fill them with water and put them in Duoduo's vegetable garden.

Buckets filled with water cannot be stacked high because the buckets have limited bearing capacity, so in order to be able to put down the eight buckets, and because she wanted to install a solar power generation system, she took out the watermelon seedlings in the ground and transplanted them into gallons. in the barrel.

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