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☆ 35. Chapter 31font record

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Chapter 31

There are now hundreds of thousands of people in the H City Safety Zone. With a large number of people and a small area, many bloodshed incidents occur every day.

But today's incident is particularly different. Three people were dragged away by a car, and four people were beaten and their shoulders were broken. Moreover, these people were actually staff members of the department, and the two worst ones were He also just resigned.

This has to make people wonder whether this is a deliberate retaliation against the staff, so this case is taken more seriously.

Investigators quickly found out that the bus from the housing office where the accident occurred had been to Fu'an Community in the afternoon, so they immediately rushed to Fu'an Community.

Yu Xue heard the knock on the door and went over to open it. There were many people standing outside, all with serious expressions.

She was surprised: "What happened to you?"

People outside asked: "Are you Yu Xue? Did someone from the housing office come to see you this afternoon?"

Yu Xue shook her head: "No."

The people outside were stunned: "No ? How is that possible?"

Yu Xue said: "Is anyone here to see me? But I have been staying at home today and I didn't hear anyone knocking on the door?"

The people outside were a little confused.

Didn't the three people from the Housing Office come to Fu'an Community to find Yu Xue?

Unfortunately, among the three people, two were seriously injured and unconscious, and one was mentally disturbed. The four people in the dangerous room were also unconscious and could not provide any useful information.

Seeing that Yu Xue really seemed unaware, they couldn't help but suspect that they had made a mistake in their judgment, so they went to ask other residents on the fourth floor.

As a result, everyone said that they had never seen anyone come, 404.

The investigators came in force, but could not find any evidence that this incident was related to Yu Xue. Naturally, they had no reason to take Yu Xue away for questioning, so they could only return without success.

Yu Xue watched these people go downstairs, investigated the community for a while, and then left.

The thin woman from before obviously didn't want people to know that she was here to see Yu Xue, so she kept avoiding people from the beginning to the end. The only people who might find out that she came to 404 were the residents on the fourth floor.

But it happened that most of the people from the other three families went out to work at that time, and the old and young who stayed at home were not noticed by the thin woman who knocked on the door and spoke very quietly.

This is what Duoduo told Yu Xue after she came back.

In this case, Yu Xue simply pushed the whole matter away to avoid having to dwell on it.

Watching those people leave, Yu Xue said calmly: "It's really troublesome. It's better to leave early. I've had enough of staying in this place."

Before, she was thinking that if everyone didn't move, she would be here too. Let's live a good life, but it's getting boring now.

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