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☆ 34. Chapter 30font record

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Chapter 30:

Because of her weakness and laziness after being empowered, Yu Xue began to live in her own home without leaving the house or stepping out of the door. No matter how disturbed the outside world was, she stayed at home.

Even the vines quietly came back to change shifts on their own.

He Miao visits her every day and brings some gifts.

On the first day, Yu Xue opened a crack in the door and stood inside the door to talk to her: "I'm feeling a little unwell, so I won't invite you to come in and sit down."

He Miao thoughtfully expressed her understanding, put the gift in the door and left.

The next day, Yu Xue still opened the door a crack, but this time she put on a mask and her voice became hoarse. He Miao asked with concern if he wanted to go to the hospital: "Family members of staff can seek medical treatment for free, and I still have a quota." , I'll give it to you."

In order to win over Yu Xue, she was also very sincere, but Yu Xue politely refused, saying that she would just rest.

On the third day, He Miao brought good news to Yu Xue: "Didn't your friend kill the Gold Element No. 1 that day? The volunteer who was empowered by the Gold Element No. 1 crab shell has successfully awakened his superpower. This A total of 122 superpowers appeared at one time! And they are all gold-type and aggressive superpowers. This is all the credit of you and your friends!" This

is to improve Yu Xue's sense of collective honor and participation, and spare no effort. Top her hat.

Yu Xue smiled slightly and just said: "This is indeed a good thing."

Seeing that she was unmoved, He Miao was a little frustrated and asked: "Don't you want to become a person with superpowers? Nowadays, the security of granting powers is getting higher and higher. Those people say they are volunteers, but in fact they are the opportunities they have worked hard to compete for. They stand out from fifty to sixty thousand applicants. Do you think how fierce the competition must be!"

Yu Xue showed a look of yearning, and then felt helpless. Said: "Then I will definitely not be able to compete."

Seeing her interest, He Miao hurriedly said: "Your friend is so powerful, as long as he is willing to join us and give you a place, isn't it just a matter of a word from the leader?"

Yu Xue nodded. Head: "Then when my friend comes back, I will talk to him."

"Is your friend back yet?"

Yu Xue said apologetically: "No, he is a freedom-loving person, and his whereabouts are erratic. I am here It's just his temporary place to stay."

He Miao was disappointed and returned home failed again.

Yu Xue closed the door and shrugged, okay, the daily cheating has been completed, and today is clean again.

He Miao went back to hand in the work. The person from the recruitment office happened to be waiting for news at the housing office. Seeing that He Miao still hadn't brought the person back, he was very dissatisfied: "It's been three or four days and I haven't seen anyone yet?"

He Miao shook his head: "Yu Xue said that her home was just a temporary place for her friends to stay. I didn't even see anyone." "

If that's the case, how could he show up in time to get her the right to live alone! This person is obviously unwilling to work for the safe zone. Just looking for excuses!" The person from the recruitment office said angrily, "You shouldn't have approved the application so quickly!" The

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